2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA

Learn about the "2 Cocom*Iolo 8882471614 Ga" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on January 28, 2022, Last updated on June 3, 2022

What is it?

A charge of$49.95 has been posted on my credit card that I did not authorize. The charge is pending so there is no references to it yet

Charge of $21.59 charged to my discover not authorized by me. Just says 2COCO.*IOBIT.COM No phone number Reference number. Discover has not got a response from this company. Got a phone number online. First man says theyonly handle billing. Told him wanted money refunded. First says ok then says they no longer handle IOBIT Accounts and hung up on me.Fighting to get my money from Discover.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • POS Debit 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • POS PUR 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • POS PURCH 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • POS REFUND 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • PRE-AUTH 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • PENDING 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • Visa Check Card 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA MC
  • Misc. Debit 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA
  • CHKCARD 2COCOM*IOLO 8882471614 GA