650-2530000, California 94043

Learn about the "650 2530000, California 94043" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on August 22, 2021, Last updated on October 15, 2021

What is it?

I have looked at the numerous unauthorized charges on my account and found it to lead back to Krafton who is the developer of Battlegrounds Mobile India. They seem to only go after debit and credit cards, I just locked my account and order a new card. I had 65 dollars taken in less than 3 minutes, no joke. Luckily I saw it before they took my entire paycheck!

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD650-2530000, California 94043
  • CHECKCARD 650-2530000, California 94043
  • POS Debit 650-2530000, California 94043
  • POS PUR 650-2530000, California 94043
  • POS PURCH 650-2530000, California 94043
  • POS PURCHASE 650-2530000, California 94043
  • POS REFUND 650-2530000, California 94043
  • PRE-AUTH 650-2530000, California 94043
  • PENDING 650-2530000, California 94043
  • Visa Check Card 650-2530000, California 94043 MC
  • Misc. Debit 650-2530000, California 94043
  • CHKCARD 650-2530000, California 94043