702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase

Learn about the "702 Sw 8th St Bentonville Arus Walmart Ebt Food Purchase" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 4, 2021, Last updated on June 5, 2023

What is it?

Someone fraudulently used my ebt card and it says ebtwm bentonsville AR...there needs to be some type of federal investigation going on because this been going on too long...I want my snap benefits back for each month mines we're taking

Why do I see purchases from Walmart pharmacy in Arkansas on my EBT card account

There is a scam going on with walmart.com, and walmart services in general. It seems to target people who use ebt, TANF, and online banking such as chime, cashapp, etc. Some people at Walmart are saving your bank info, and making purchases, hiding the trail by using other people's legitimate walmart accounts, or simply making a purchase at the store. This is an inside job people! I myself use chime, and have had this happen to me every time my wife places a pickup or delivery order. Anywhere from $6 to over $400, and sometimes multiple charges over the week after making a legitimate purchase. It's widespread throughout the chain, both domestic and through oversea service providers. There are connections with the recent "double void" fiasco with cashapp...which happens to have their customer service tied with the same customer support centers walmart contracts. Keep your cards locked until you go to make a purchase...the law isn't going to help you. Shop elsewhere. Walmart is evil, a refuge for scandalous people, and lackadaisical about security at best. This is what happens when you make hiring the worst elements of society in the name of "diversity and inclusion" priority over qualification. Also a risk when a company gets so greedy, it would rather contract support centers in third world sh*tholes over creating jobs at home to save a few bucks. Walmart execs deserve to be publicly drawn and quartered...I said what I said.

I waas charged 299.99 on my ebt card and it was to this address. I live in georgia. Never been in that location or to that location. How was my card information even obtained. My children have been shorted, our family will struggle to eat due this. Food is already the most expensive it has been in years ! I WANT ANSWERS NOW !

If you make a purchase online for grocery orders or any purchases for walmart.com the purchases are going to Bentonville Arkansas So when you realize that your transactions are different and you want to go do a dispute or you look at your transactions or whatever and you see benville you automatically think" I didn't make no purchase in benville" but that is where it's going it's not gonna actually say you purchased at the Walmart where you live. Look at your past transactions on Walmart.com and compare the purchase on your statement even returned purchases can be misleading I hope I made sense to you guys

Someone has used my ebt card multiple times with my consent. I need a refund.

Someone used my card without my pin on your site for 194.81 and your customer service is telling me they can’t see the transaction

I got charges on my EBT card that I did not do. From 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS in the amount of $132.32 and $243.34

I have it hard enough for real y'all care to explain to me how your gonna authorize so many transactions without some sort of compensation for the victims. It's cold and I'm hungry now but I guess corporate don't give a shit huh...

From all the comments I've read here and after speaking with a representative of a different entity I've come to the conclusion that this is an inside job being done by a horrible person or group of people working at this Walmart payment processing center. It seems that once you've made a purchase at any Walmart in the country they now have your card info and pin on a list with thousands of other victims. This is going to be difficult if you shop at Walmart a lot but the only SOLUTION I see is...1) Get a new card issued and create a new pin then, 2) Never swipe your card at a Walmart again! I hope this helps someone! Groceries might be a little more expensive at a regular grocery store like Vons but at least you won't have to go through this nightmare again. I've read that people have replaced their cards and pins multiple times and keep getting hit. The people doing this are preying on the poorest and most down on their luck of the population...that is real evil! And a side note for those who think your government cares about you, if this were happening to rich people those people would have been tracked and behind bars months ago! Now think for a second, do they really care about you or is it possible they benefit somehow by giving you this "assistance"?? Be honest with yourself and then think about that answer the next time they are asking you to take something that's "safe and effective" or lock yourself in your house like an animal "for your own good". God bless! 🙏🏻

My ebt card has been used since March without my consent by Ebtwm. There has been multiple charges made since then up until now. Unlink your cards from Walmart.com app

Someone used my food stamps for 243 how do I go about stopping this

I live in ga and someone charged my EBT food card in the amount of $247.00 and the transaction says Walmart at 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville Arkansas. Walmart is not being helpful, they say they can't see anything on their end?! I call BS!!!!!! Like someone said on here I wonder if it is a inside scam?????? I am trying everything to figure out who did it and get my EBT funds back. My family depends on this money for our food.

I have Chime and I just got a charge of $6.43 from Walmart Bentonville, I was home when this happened and to make it worse Chime is just authorizing these charges without confirming. I am so fed up with them that I have closed my Chime account.

It is the physical address for Walmart headquarters. it is also the location for the system that processes groceries that are paid for using your state food stamp card.

Someone used my card at your store an it wasn't me I live in Big spring tx how the hell why the hell they took my daughter Christmas food

Someone used my EBT and it's say ebtwm with a st Augustine 802address. I want to report this as fraud and get an explanation

Somebody used my card and the walmart.com isn’t helping to give back what’s the next step

Received a charge for $40.73 on 7/28/22. Never made this purchase.

I was charge $64 and I didn't get anything I am going to the police for fraud

Thank you to Renalda - all the folks jumping to conspiracy conclusions really need to follow her instructions. I checked my online purchases THAT I MADE and she is correct, that is where the charge came from.

It is a charge from Walmart pick up.

This comes up on my statement every time I order Walmart curbside pickup. The transactions are technically handled outside the store location you shop at. That’s only time I see this is when ordering curbside pickup online

I checked my card and every single purchase I have made from walmart.com for groceries is charged to 702 Bentonville Arus. It is just the ebt transaction through walmart.com. I am not saying every transaction through there is legitimate. You should definitely check your payment and purchase history to see if they match. I placed an order last night and only paid with ebt and there is no transaction history on walmart showing they charged any other card, but today there was a 60 cent charge on my husband's chime card from the exact time I placed our grocery order last night.

I decided to check my Arizona EBT card today, Jan 1st, even though it is a holiday. I found a fraudulent charge of $85.96. I reported it here in Arizona already. I had to leave a message because it is a holiday. It shows Location as 702 SW 8th Street, Bentonville, Arkansas and a delivery address in Brunswick, NJ. I have not made any Walmart food card purchase. I don't Walmart much, just Kroger and Food City.

Some how just got new EBT card like week ago. I made a Amazon order. Next day go store someone use my card for $79 pushased. Don't know how without even knowing my pin. I cancelled the card it shows where did it again for 5.43. I don't understand what going on how they able to do it without knowing my pin number. I reported it in I need my little foodstamps that I do get. Got be addressed it going to.

Just looked at my snap account and found a charge from 702 SW 8th St Bentonville Arkansas food purchase for $28.16 on 11/25/23 and same day food return for $1.20 about a minute later. I called snap to find out what the charge was and how they could they money be credited to the card. She explained that the card was put in manually and not swiped. Which she explained it that I had to hand the store my card and they typed in the card and I gave them the pin to type in as well. Card cancelled and I have to go the snap office to see if they will refund the money taken and see if they have any cards otherwise my family will have to wait two or so weeks for a new card. Since the computer age has been here theft, fraud and etc has become out of control!!!!

I found this website after checking my bank account and seeing a charge of $25.02 to “702 S Bentonville Arus”. It was made around 11:45 PM the other night. I assumed perhaps I had my account hacked (again) and through some investigating, the price was the same as a purchase from Walmart.com. There was no double-charge.

Some of you may be getting scammed but check your receipts before assuming you are being scammed. It gives a peace of mind to know it was a simple mistake.

I don't have an EBT account, but did make an online delivery order from Walmart.com. They initially charged me $50.05 to cover for any added expenses because at least one of the items was based on weight. The actual total ended up being $48.85, which explains the $1.19 charge that initially showed as a debit, but was actually a small refund. Showed up several days later.


Someone has used my EBT card I have had to get a new card 6 times already because they won't stop I don't know how they are doing this but it needs to be stopped

Someone has used my EBT card I have had to get a new card 6 times already because they won't stop I don't know how they are doing this but it needs to be stopped

I have been fraudulently charged several times without my authorization and pin number for over thousands of dollars from this location. Several transaction we done to obtain the large amount of food stamps, that my family depends on. I am requesting a full refund of all of the charges made on my EBT card that I have not consented to, authorize, nor gave a PIN number.

Someone tried using my EBT card here at this Walmart twice!! I live in Texas.. definitely wasn’t me! Someone is committing fraudulent activities with peoples EBT cards!!

Yes someone used my card of 254 today nd Walmart not able to help mev

someome body used and stole my EBT cash amount here in this nasty place. what shithole place all the scammers love this place using people's stolen cards. I reported it already to the police

Someone has been using my tanf how are they getting the cash assistance, when supposedly I was denied even though I didn't have any interview with anyone from the food stamp office but someone getting my cash assistance, how that I'm going to to the police and food stamp office Monday and I'm going to find out who has another food stamp card in my name or however they using it I don't understand why the government hasn't put a stop to this , maybe because they involve in all this fraud bs

EBT Customer Service Hotline told me to call cops and they tell me to report it EBT so what can you do if they dont do any thing about it

I decided to check my Arizona EBT card today, Jan 1st, even though it is a holiday. I found a fraudulent charge of $85.96. I reported it here in Arizona already. I had to leave a message because it is a holiday. It shows Location as 702 SW 8th Street, Bentonville, Arkansas and a delivery address in Brunswick, NJ. I have not made any Walmart food card purchase. I don't Walmart much, just Kroger and Food City.

There is a charge on my chime card $14.17 yesterday at 10:20am. I was at work at that time. Wtf. Walmart charge pharmacy from Bentonville, ar arus

Same scenario as everyone else previously posted. The ebt money was taken last on the start of June 2023 using the name as Ebtwm. But first the criminals used it at a Target in Minnesota and then got a refund right sway. So thieves maybe placed an order and canceled it right away so they could see the balance? Then they used the funds a third and final time at Ebtwm for over $270. All done on the same morning and swiftly so you don't get a chance to use your money. Who is this desperate? Illegal immigrants buying data for using skimmed card? Or just crooks. If the federal government cared, they would use a card with a chip. This is like stealing from the most vulnerable and they don't care at all. I see complaints going months back. Why is nothing being done to stop these frauds?

Someone has been using my card. I have not made these purchases and my disputed it with my bank and they are telling me that Walmart called and told them that I made these transactions

When is this going to stop. It is still continuing and happening to lots of customers. What is the resolution Walmart is doing ??? And triggering Latinos!!!

Someone stole $383.24 off my EBT card and I don’t know how they got my card number I will be filling a police report y’all need to be shut down because someone is scamming at y’all head quarters

I am so happy I found this site! It happened to me too, and they stole $262.00 from me! That's all my money for December's food. And I remember exactly what happened. I was checking out, and the young guy with his little price gadget was standing there before I checked out at Walmart in Pearland, TX. I didn't even use my EBT card; I used my American Express card. At first, I thought I used the money at Krogers, but then I started seeing all these different names and locations of Walmart and Krogers that were checking my account balance. I am staying away from Walmart. In order for us to get our money back, we have to go to the Lonestar Office, which I will be doing soon.

These are the locations that appeared on my EBT statement 702 SW 8TH ST BENTONVILLE ARUS WALMART.COM EBT, 9919 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON TXUS KROGER #363, and 646 S Flores St San Antonio TXUS HEB006.

They keep trying, but I have my card frozen. I even ordered a new card and changed my password and PIN. However, they can still check my balance!!!! How do I get them to stop? I need this money for my kid's food. :(

I had a 107.00 snap benefits on my card on 6/11/2023.I didn't leave my home til sfyer 12 noon yesterday. And I d went to krogers in angelton tx at 1 30 pm .I had bought 22.00 worth of groceries. It was more.vt my card declined! I know what what I had!@i d checked transactions and heard the 83 .00!!What the hell!!!!!!!!! I need my benefits back@!@Thetes alot not right with all of this!!!!!!!@@

My card keep being use for 2 months now it’s not far

Someone used my card 123

Multiple unauthorized purchases from Wmebt GM

Someone used my card and I live in aransas pass tx.

I live in St. Augustine FL and someone took the last $62 off my ebt card.

Someone used my card I'm in Florida they use 114.15

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • CHECKCARD 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • POS Debit 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • POS PUR 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • POS PURCH 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • POS PURCHASE 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • POS REFUND 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • PRE-AUTH 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • PENDING 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • Visa Check Card 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase MC
  • Misc. Debit 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase
  • CHKCARD 702 SW 8th St Bentonville ARUS WalmartEBT Food Purchase