844-6593879 NY

Learn about the "844 6593879 Ny" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on March 18, 2022, Last updated on November 5, 2023

What is it?

$4.95 on feb 24, 2023 and $39.95 on March 17, 2023. What are these charges and who did they go to.

Had a similar charge to my CC, Judy, with the reference "Etsy.com - JonathanKling844-6593879 NY US"

USD 0.40 charge, then a USD 0.40 charge-back; then a USD USD2.00 charge (pending).

CC Rep (via telephone) stated that these transactions carry an "advertising" tag (whatever that means).

I have placed a lock on card trans. because of this.

I do not have an etsy storefront, and I have purchased only one item from there (with that being over two years ago).

For all intent (and purposes), this appears to be a primary fishing expedition testing the sanctity/security of etsy, with the intent of scraping $ from my CC

Changed my password, and will (probably) close my account to mitigate any potential complications.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD844-6593879 NY
  • CHECKCARD 844-6593879 NY
  • POS Debit 844-6593879 NY
  • POS PUR 844-6593879 NY
  • POS PURCH 844-6593879 NY
  • POS PURCHASE 844-6593879 NY
  • POS REFUND 844-6593879 NY
  • PRE-AUTH 844-6593879 NY
  • PENDING 844-6593879 NY
  • Visa Check Card 844-6593879 NY MC
  • Misc. Debit 844-6593879 NY
  • CHKCARD 844-6593879 NY