
Learn about the "8772516879 Fitasx" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on July 4, 2014, Last updated on September 7, 2014

What is it?

I had the same experience this month also.
Somehow fitandslimx is getting certain customers' info. ..I'm looking for a common link. I recently ordered vitamin s from puritans pride using a visa check card. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I had the same thing happen to me, only I didn't notice this billing in July. I was billed again for the same amount in August while checking my account online (prior to it appearing on my statement as 888-302-6467.COM PALM HARBOR FL) and called to report fraud, but have to wait for the refund before I can cancel the card.

almost got me for $75. immediately call your bank/credit card company and file a fraud report. dont let people like this get away with fraud.

I am wonder how they got our card information. We are all posting in the same time period as the transfer from GE Capital to Synergy Bank.

I was charged from 8772516879FITASX MIDWAY CITY CAUS for $49.95. They had my name and card number. I asked for a refund because I never saw that website or heard of that particular product. I feel this is fraud

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD8772516879FITASX
  • CHECKCARD 8772516879FITASX
  • POS Debit 8772516879FITASX
  • POS PUR 8772516879FITASX
  • POS PURCH 8772516879FITASX
  • POS REFUND 8772516879FITASX
  • PRE-AUTH 8772516879FITASX
  • PENDING 8772516879FITASX
  • Visa Check Card 8772516879FITASX MC
  • Misc. Debit 8772516879FITASX
  • CHKCARD 8772516879FITASX