888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL

Learn about the "888 302 5224.Com 888 302 5224 Fl" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on July 11, 2014, Last updated on August 7, 2014

What is it?

This number and a charge of $49.95 appeared on our Account today! Calling Police and Better Business Bureau....Cancelling all credit cards and bank cards........

Did a search and found that this is a supposed dietary supplement website: https://cravingsnomore.com/

I had the same number come up on my banking card with a charge for $49.95! Never ordered it!

Scam! Never ordered any such thing, now have had to cancel credit cards and such. I have called the number 888-302-5224 all morning, it says they are busy and to call back. Yet it never mentions their company name on the phone.

Same story as the others... Charged $49.95 for some kind of dietary supplements. At first they refused a refund because they are only a "call center" until I spoke these magic words: "you are involved in the commission of a felony, using illegally obtained credit card information". That got my refund. Also got a new credit card issued.

888-302-5224 was on my credit card and billed $49.95. Never ordered or authorized this charge... FRAUD!!! Reported it to my credit card company and they credited my account.

This charged linked to 888-302-5224 just showed up on my credit card and when I called my credit card company they found another charge from 866-211-0533 both companies show to be in Florida. I don't live in Florida, didnt order anything online so I am having to file a statement of fraud to request my credit card company refund these charges. Thankfully they will take care of it.

49.95 charge showed up on our statement today. This is definitely fraud..

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • CHECKCARD 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • POS Debit 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • POS PUR 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • POS PURCH 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • POS PURCHASE 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • POS REFUND 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • PRE-AUTH 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • PENDING 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • Visa Check Card 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL MC
  • Misc. Debit 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL
  • CHKCARD 888-302-5224.com 888-302-5224 FL