Can confirm. I bought Guild Wars 2, and the charge shows up as Dri Arenanet Llcv
DRI*arenanet, llc
Learn about the "Dri*Arenanet, Llc" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on April 21, 2014, Last updated on November 21, 2015
What is it?
ArenaNet ( is the studio that makes the MMO Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. The charge shows up when you purchase digital copies of their games.
I was charged 106.24 by Dri*arenanet. I do not play Guildwars, nor do my kids play Guildwars. I have contacted the bank to report the charges as fraud. After reading all the events on this site I will also contact the BBB and State to report this fraud.
I have 2 charges on my card ending in 7966 each for $32.09 on Aug.1, 2019. I have no idea what this is. I do not play games. I am a senior citizen who can not even buy the medicine I need. There has been a police report filed and the bank has been notified. I expect to have a response and refund by end of day or further charges will be initiated for theft.
A charge of $39.99 was charged to my credit card xxxx6347, that I do not recognize when and what i purchased. Please refund and/ or i will report as FRAUD to my credit company and Federal Trade Commission.
Please Google Arenanet before you get bent out of shape. It is a software developer and publisher that creates video games. Chances are that if you did not order Guild Wars or one of their other titles, than maybe one of your kids or friends/room mates did. Maybe they used you card without your permission, or maybe you bought the game while drunk and forgot. It is possible. But please, do some investigating before you start making an idiot of yourself in a public place. (I found this site because I wanted to know where the charge on my account came from. And it came from Arenanet. I had forgotten who developed the game)
I had a charge for $103.49 posted to my debit card in the middle of the night fromm DRIArenanet. There were also 2 sony playstation charges of $10 and $50. Fortunately my bank, Chase,contacted me at 7am because the charges were made in the middle on the night and completely atypical of my routine purchases. They cancelled the card, crdited back the charges to me account,and are having their fraud department investigate. Whether this crimewas instigated by DRI or whether some'some game' got hold of my debit card number isn't known at this point but Chase bank will be pressing charges against the parties involved. They have away of determining the IP address where the online orders were placed. MYH RECOMMENDATION IS TO IMMEDIATELY DEAL WITH YOUR BANK'S FRAUD DEPARTMENT and let them go after them. Mostg banks will not hold you responsibile for fraudulent charges to your account. But they will have to cancel you debit/credit card and mail you a new one.
Two fraud charges were put on my account-reporting your company for investigation
Two charges of $43.79 showed up on my cc account on Feb, 19th. Reported fraud to the cc company. Had to cancel cards. What a hassle.
I too was charged $250 in 5 separate $50 charges on my Credit Card. I am also reporting your company. I had to call and cancel my card and get a new one. My time is important. This is bullshit.
Also Appears on Statements As
- CHKCARDDRI*arenanet, llc
- CHECKCARD DRI*arenanet, llc
- POS Debit DRI*arenanet, llc
- POS PUR DRI*arenanet, llc
- POS PURCH DRI*arenanet, llc
- POS PURCHASE DRI*arenanet, llc
- POS REFUND DRI*arenanet, llc
- PRE-AUTH DRI*arenanet, llc
- PENDING DRI*arenanet, llc
- Visa Check Card DRI*arenanet, llc MC
- Misc. Debit DRI*arenanet, llc
- CHKCARD DRI*arenanet, llc