Learn about the "Foxtollsandfinescom" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on November 25, 2016, Last updated on August 7, 2023

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While renting a Fox rental car in Florida, they charged me $81.09 for a total of only $5.02 in tolls. Over $75 in fees. I had my own Sunpass toll transponder, but it did not take four tolls. This is a complete scam by Fox rentals and Fox ATS Processing Services in Tempe, Arizona.

We rented a car from Fox in April 14-19 2021 .I received a bill for unpaid tolls. Both toll places had a sign saying it was closed. Do not stop. I do not feel I owe these fines

I rented at Fox Rental in Chicago, I received a bill with a charge of $105.04 for tolls when the amount of tolls is $29. They accessed a $15 admin fee for each toll of 0.9 cents. I will never rent with them ever again. I prefer going with a rental company that will allow me pay off just the tolls and no additional fees.

I see that the exact same thing has happened to me in Denver --an on-going scam with Fox Rental. I avoided all tolls on e-470, yet was charged a total of $13.60 for 3 tolls plus a $15 admin fee for each one, accumulating a total of $58.60. How is this possible first of all if I avoided tolls as instructed on my GPS, and then $15/each? Also their shuttle was extremely slow, waiting over an hour with a growing group of unhappy travelers to get picked up at the airport, and then on my return, I missed my flight because of their slow shuttle.

I was told i wouldn't need a Sun Pass since I was driving only in city limits. Well I get a bill for $32.62. I unforeseen toll of $2.62 was charged but $30 for 2 processing fees. What the hell is this!!! Ill never rent from Fox ever again!!!

I did dispute it but still need to pay $15 in fees. Total fraud bull...

I rented a car in Austin, Texas and put every address in my Garmin and said NO TOLL ROADS. I did not take any roads that had tolls. I got a bill for $48.59 from Fox - this is ridiculous. . . NEVER RENTING FROM THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Just like others here, I too rented a car from this horrible company. 2 Hour wait in Denver and they didn't have the car that we reserved, instead a toyota corola for the same price as the SUV they charged us for. I elected not to pay for tolls. Of course I drove through 4 tolls for $20 in fees but conveniently Fox charges $15 for each toll you go through. So $80 in total. Nothing I can do about it but heres whats interesting and how this scam works for them .

I called CO DMV to try and pay the fine associated with the License plate on the car. (Fox does not tell you the citation number from the state so that you can't do what I was attempting to, circumvent paying their $60 admin fees). When I gave the person at CO DMV, the tag number, she told me the car has $3859 of toll charges associated with the car that are currently unpaid. So, just doing so rough math, if the average car if the average "Admin Fee" they charge for tolls on each car is similar to mine, then the fees make up 75% of the total bill. Get ready. Fox has 20,000 cars in their fleet (according to Google) Assume half of the cars (10,000) did not opt to pay for tolls during time rental. Assume the average car owes $2000 in tolls then that mean just one car at Fox has $6,000 in admin fees they are trying to collect. Now multiply $6,000 times 10,000 cars...Are you ready?? That's $60,000,000 in Admin fees they are chasing down. That my friends is a scam and it's perfectly legal because we signed our rights away when we chose not to prepay tolls at time of rental. Anyone here interested in creating a class action lawsuit for this festering turd of a company?

Is there any pending class action lawsuit against FOX Car Rental against their Administrative Fee on a Toll Charge? If there is one, please share it so I want to sign up. I slapped a $15.00 Admin Fee on a $9 toll charge. WTF!

I rented a car through Fox Rental in LA yesterday. My original cost cited online was $592.31 for 15 days. Okay fine. Beyond the usual add-on fees for insurance and pre-paid gas which I turned down at the counter, I learned that if I don't rent a toll pass for $12.99/day, Fox will charge $90 for each toll charge I might rack up. So now I owe another $194.85 plus $150 deposit (which hopefully I get back) for a total of $937.17. What a scam. Never again Fox!

I rented a car from Fox also and waited 3 hours in a hot garage with no water even offered. No discount just told us, people do not want to work that is why we had to wait. But we did notice that they took 45 minutes to get a person a car. Now I have a bill for going on toll road 1.87 for toll and 75.00 for total of tolls admin fee. They do not make it easy for you to know ahead of time that you should slid off to pay cause that was my plan. I will never rent from them again from what I hear other rental have a monitor that charges you at the end of your rental without the toll administrative fees. So was there car cheaper not by far. And the wait was horrible.

I live in England and Fox Car Rental are charging me $24.05 for a crossing made over the Golden Gate Bridge. We used and paid Fastrack for the crossing. Toll charge on the Fox invoice states we crossed at 12.24 on the 11th April. Fastrack payment creation document says it was valid between 13.30 on the 10th April to 13.30 on the 11th April. The license plate on the paperwork matches. Why should I pay? Jim Robertson

Rented a car through Fox in Denver in November 2020. Left e470 before any toll booths yet Fox is charging 3 separate tolls. Each being accessed a $15 admin fee. Complete rip off.

BS charge for $60 on $25 worth of tolls. NOTHING in the rental agreement. Will contest this scam with my CC company.

Paid 122.97 for toll roads got another bill today for 22.93, why??????

We kept meticulous documentation of the tolls we passed thru, always choosing the "Change" lane. Had two (2) tolls where there were no payment options. The toll amount at those stations were .85 each. I received a toll fine letter of twelve separate tolls that were not paid ($27.75) along with an administration charge of $90. THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN EXTORTION!!!

We rented from Fox and a few weeks later received 2 bills. On one the tolls were 28.11 but the entire bill was $118.11. On the other the tolls were 24.52 but the entire bill was $114.52. I called them and they took off all the fees and I just paid the toll amount. Yes, it is a rip off but call them and see if they will remove the fees. Good luck!!

Total scam by Fox Rental Car. I'll never use them again. I'm going to contest this in court

I rented a car in Austin for my brother. The rate was $453 for 2 weeks. After a long wait he got the car. When he sent me the paperwork, it said the rental was 1300.00!! They added a bunch of extras I didn't order. My brother didn't know so he signed. THEN, I got an invoice for $49.13 for toll of $4.13 plus 45 in admin fees. He never went on toll road! This company is horrible. Even when I tried to call for an extension they charged $880 for 1 week, and I couldn't speak with representatives to take off the extras. Very frustrating and because he was there on work we had to agree so he could keep the car!

Rented a vehicle At the Orlando airport. I brought my E-Z pass to pay all my tolls. I received a statement from Fox rental for $16.76 of which $1.76 was the toll and $15.00 was an administrative fee. I contacted my E-Z pass and was told to send them the $1.76 and call Fox to tell them. I've call 10 times and left a phone number for a return call but have not received a call back. I am trying very hard to resolve this issue. I have rented several times from Fox but will not use them any longer. Please return my call 330-727-4146 or email

I rented a car in the Bay area and was told I wouldn't go through toll roads so don't need to get a pass. I have now got a bill of $16.25 including $15 admin fee!!! What is it? Are they trying to make money this way? Very unfair practice. Don't rent from FOX.

I too rented a car at Fox car rental off the airport in MIAMI and i just receivedd two bills of toll fees when i didnt go away from the city. A BIG SCAN AS I AM READING THE OTHER COMPLAINTS FROM PEOPLE. PRETTY DISGUSTING AS THE GUY AT THE COUNTER WAS HITTING ON ME!!!! ...


Fox Rental needs to be run out of business. They told us we were getting a free tank of gas, they lied. Just got a bill for $21.00 for a toll bill of $5.00. Why do they have a fast pass that they only have to pay $5.00 but charge you 300% above their cost. I will post on every site I can to let people know what a rip off of they are.
Rip off.

Total scam by Fox Rental Car. I'll never use them again. I'm going to contest this in court

We rented a car from Fox in Tampa the first week of May and just received a statement that shows we owe $102.52 for tolls and fines. We visited my mother in law on May 6th and were charged $12.52 for tolls and $90 in administrative fees for this one trip. Like the rest of the folks on here who took the time to write a review, we think this is utterly ridiculous and WE WILL NEVER RENT ANOTHER CAR FROM FOX RENT A CAR, INC. AGAIN. This, after having to stand in line for 2 hours at the Tampa International just to get our rental car, is like adding insult to injury.

From Fox Rental ATS PROCESSING GOT THE INVOICE OF $44 . $14 TOLL AND $30 ADMIN FEE. I paid the whole amount of $44. After 2 weeks got another invoice of $15.75 toll and $45 admin. I tried to call but there is no person you can get hold of to explain. Like many others , We too will not rent from them anymore.

Never rent from Fox. We accidentally took a toll road that charged us $14.20, which is fine. Fox invoiced us for an additional $45 in admin fees for a total of $59.20. Their admin fees are a money grab!!!! I'll never rent from them again.

I rented a car through Fox rentals and they charged me for extra insurance, which I did not agree to and I ended up with $400 extra in charges. Then, I also got 2 toll fees $15 each when I wasn't even driving on those days and I never took the toll. I know tolls, I was visiting my home town! You can't get a hold of anyone at Fox and they won't respond your emails. Absolutely the worst customer service we have ever received and I hope they go out of business!!!

As everyone else I also rented a vehicle in Florida and my tolls were 11.77 and a fee 99 dollars with a total of $101.77. That isn't all I had this rental a least a month in advance and we were delayed with are flight and shuttle service which led to them letting our rental van to someone else but he had a much larger to let us have but if that wasn't there we would have been basically up a creek without a paddle. this of course came with attitude. Won't rent from them again. he basically said he did it for the kids cause he didn't want them stranded. what a HEART.

This is totally scammer and should be report to some department to remove them from business. Is anyone can tell me where to report this company. Received same bill like everyone else from FOX ATS Processing billing for toll charges which is not even my trip route and total different direction.

I rented a car from Atlanta airport, March 2024. I just received a bill from Fox rent a car for $15.50 of which $15.00 is an administrative fee and 50 cents is a supposed toll charge. We were not even in a toll lane, and I even told the woman at the airport our route and where we would be, and she said there would be no problem. My family and I will no longer be using Fox rent a car in the future and I will be spreading the news to all the people I know that travel.

I received a fine for using the Metro Express Lane in LA, but there was 3 people in the vehicle and I am not sure why the fine came to me when the sign said 2 or more people.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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