Discover sent me a "fraud alert" at 5:00am for FRGTeamFanShop $10.00 charge.
I am grateful that they texted me 2 times quickly as it woke me up to contact them to cancel charge account number. Very quick and easy.
Macy's had informed me 2 months previously that my account been hacked along with other customers and my Discover charge information was on that. Not sure how they got the 3 digit private "pin" number.
It was an online fraud charge (that is all I know right now). I am thinking this is related BUT not positive....... Keep alerts on your cards so you can act quickly.
So aggravating and of course it was done in the middle of the night - BUT Discover was on top of things......I was a Identity Theft Victim in the past and the DA knows I will press charges.....DEFINITELY!!!!
Freeze your credit with all 3 or even 4 Companies and if nothing else put a Fraud alert on (very, very easy to do). Protect yourself and your credit score as once a false account is opened or done to you so that it hits your credit report, not so easy to straighten things out.....Those numbers affect everything including interest rates, insurance rates, etc. Stay on top of things and rest/sleep at night....