Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD

Learn about the "Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley Md" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 28, 2021, Last updated on August 4, 2023

What is it?

This is a charge from Innovative Vending Solutions, which operates commercial massage chairs in malls and other businesses. The company also operates Zoomaroo strollers for parents to rent while shopping with kids. IVS is headquartered in Clayton, New Jersey.

Why this charge may appear on your card

You're likely seeing this charge because you (or someone using your card) rented a massage chair or Zoomaroo stroller at a business.

What can you do?

If you don’t recognize the charge, you can contact IVS at (856) 595-2115 or online. You can also contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges and try to recover the money.

Community Feedback

Valid and reputable charge. This is a vibrating chair in an airport.

Massage chair at Foxwoods Casino Tanger Outlets

Massage chair at Defy Gravity

The strollers in Christiana mall

Massage chair in the mall

Vibrating chairs in columbiana Mall in South Carolina

Massage chair at Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City, NJ

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)
  • Company Name

    Innovative Vending Solutions

  • Phone Number

    (856) 595-2115

  • Website


Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDIvsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • CHECKCARD Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • POS Debit Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • POS PUR Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • POS PURCH Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • POS PURCHASE Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • POS REFUND Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • PRE-AUTH Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • PENDING Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • Visa Check Card Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD MC
  • Misc. Debit Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD
  • CHKCARD Ivsvendcom 8565952115 Hunt Valley MD