LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB

Learn about the "Lkuppubdata 8773086216 8773086216 Gb" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on December 5, 2016, Last updated on May 3, 2017

What is it?

i authaized a 1 dollar withdraw after i saw they offered no info i called and cancelled and now they trying to takeout 44.85 from my debit card

Yes this is a fraud.. Tried charging my bank card 3 different times..

My criminal background check. August 18 2018

Yes this is a fraud.. Tried charging my bank card 3 different times..

Never authorized

Took 1.00 from my PayPal acct on December 6 that was ok I canceled on December 8 on December 11 charged 44.85 I called customer service number said they would not refund my money explained to her that they were running a scam it’s documented all over the internet she a a change of heart spoke to a supervisor MyCC will be credited in 3to5days reporting to my cc company

scam scam scam scam

Not sure how they charged my account. I changed my card and it still charged my account! Trying to find the connections they use to charge me. I cancelled the membership, we'll see what's going on. This is fraudulent activity. They said I will get a refund for three charges. I'm going back to see when they started on White pages. They used several different name including uphub according to my bank.

Took money out my account 3 different times 1st time was a $1 then 2nd time it was 1.95 and the 3rd $39.85.... When I called the number associated with the charge it said the charges is from VA premiere Blue Cross Blue Shield but I called bothth companies and both said that no insurance company should be taking anything out of my checking account... SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM..... I reported it to my back and cancelled my debit card!

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDLKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • CHECKCARD LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • POS Debit LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • POS PUR LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • POS PURCH LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • POS PURCHASE LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • POS REFUND LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • PRE-AUTH LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • PENDING LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • Visa Check Card LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB MC
  • Misc. Debit LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB
  • CHKCARD LKUPPUBDATA 8773086216 8773086216 GB