Learn about the "Origin.Com Ea Redwood City Ca " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on February 17, 2014, Last updated on December 30, 2014
What is it?
This happened to my yesterday. (11/13/14) I received a phone call from my banks fraud department. First charge was $1.00 then THIRTEEN SECONDS later $64.11. We froze my account and the card and as this was happening they tried to make a purchase of $784.45. Thank goodness I got a phone call or I wouldn't have known. I am a 19 year old female college student. I DO NOT play video games nor do I have the time. I canceled my card. Tried to contact EA, that was an ordeal in itself. They don't have a telephone support. They want you to make an account to chat online. Yeah not happening. After digging around I found a number (650-628-7352) don't press any of the numbers they tell you to, just wait you will be transferred to an actual person. They are refunding me. I ended up getting hung up on twice ( the nerve of some people I swear) They cant tell me the account my card was used on. I am very UNPLEASED with EA. They should be held more responsible and I should have NEVER been hung up on to begin with. Good luck and watch your accounts
Woke up this morning to 4 fraudulent charges from them. 2 were for $40, 1 was for $1, and another for $80.43. Called my bank immediately. Will be filing formal charges.
*********Solution, I had the same problem on 04/11 and 04/12. Just called EA at 650 628 7352. Waited 1 minute for an operator, explained what happened. Said she would get me a case # and have someone from fraud call me right back. Person from fraud called while I was still on phone with the operator. Had everything fixed in under 4 minutes. Still have to wait for the pending charges to drop off, and the new card to come in mail, but at the end of the day not that difficult to get fixed. GIVE THEM A CALL
I had 6 charges during the night for almost $300 to ORIGIN.COM EA. Fraud department alerted me and has cancelled my card. I WILL PROSECUTE!!!!!
I had multiple $65.69 charges posted to my credit/debit card within the course of a couple minutes. Obviously Origin.com / Electronic Arts requires nothing more than a credit card number for hackers to order games online.
These message boards are fine, but you really need to contact the Attorney General in whatever state the sketchy business practices take place in: Unless the AG's office sees a trend in complaints, they won't investigate. (similarly, the banks could really care less about stopping these fraudsters)
So, if (and when) you get a bunch of fraudulent charges billed by Origin.com EA, TAKE A COUPLE MINUTES to fill this simple form http://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company if you want anything to change
Sounds like these fraudulent charges are from different areas. Could Walmart be the connection? Used our debit card there the day before these charges. Target recently had a breach of their credit info - why not Walmart?
I was about to pay my cable bill, when I opened up my bank account on Saturday to see three $1 charges and three $52.95 charges. Needless to say, I couldn't pay my cable bill thanks to little thieves stealing my debit card information. I called my bank and I was told because these charges are still "pending" there was nothing they could do, and suggested I call Origin EA (where the charge originated from). Of course, being Saturday, they were closed. I just called 650-628-7352 (DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS) and spoke with someone to open a fraud investigation case. I was told someone would call me back in 30-90 mins (still waiting). I had to cancel my bank card and they will reissue one to me within 5-7 business days. This has been a fiasco. Check your bank statement/balances like a hawk. I may even change my banking institution since they allowed these charges to go through. This is an awful time of year to be inconvenienced like this.
Hi All, you have to call this number for Fraud/Billing issues 1-866-898-1722. You may have to wait a little on hold because of all the people calling but try it out it's the best number I found so far that works.
Okay so I'm glad I'm not the only one, only mine came from chkcardORIGIN GENEVA com (exact quote used) this royally sucks though. I'm definitely giving EA a call to get this figured out
This morning 11/08 my VISA debit card # was used at origin.com. My card has to be cancelled. I believe that gamers who did this, knows it's the weekend and electronic arts phone number 650-628-7352 when called says they are all out and business hours are only from Monday to Friday.. No where on their web site can you contact them on weekends or even easily if you are not a member. It's like they are allowing it to happen and know it happens. By the time I get to my bank on Monday to file fraudulent charges the gamers would of used up all the time they stole using my card ( $120 ). That gamer is a thief, and origin.com knows who they are!
Look.. this has been going on since March 2014 and NO ONE has done anything about it at origin.com?? I agree with the lady who says to put it on the news. Maybe the attorney general in Redwood CA should looks into it. I'm not happy about stopping my life and plans I had for today and Monday to fool around with this. There must be laws against this behavior right?? Trust that I will be emailing, calling and sending letters about this theft and inconvenience - it's wrong and it needs to stop.
Just like everyone else, these are unauthorized charges. Don't know how they got my card numbers but am requesting a full refund
Just used my card at the ATM at my Univ of Arizona dorm. With an hour my account was cleaned out with 8 charges of various amounts. First one was $1 CHKCARDORIGIN.COM EA redwood city. Bastards strike again!
Ahhh Yes, CIRCUS MUSIC! Just what I wanted to hear when I was on hold forever trying to get my measly remainder of a paycheck "AFTER TAXES" back. One of the references at the top of this list mentions the name KYLE COOPER with a direct number 512-583-6152. I left a message and unfortunately my shitty verizon service had his call go directly to my voice mail. The number is legit so is the numbers that leave you listening to circus music. Be patient and courteous to the representative and they will correct the problem.....I think. We will see within 5-7 business days. Good luck! My stolen amounts were $64.34/$1.00/$64.34/$1.00. From the top in order it's pedophiles then thieves.
This company took 4 separate charges off of my visa debit card. $1 $49.49 $1 again and then a repeat $49.49. We have a PSN account with my card info on it. I believe that someone hacked it and spent the card at origin.com. We filed a fraud report with our bank, Vystar Credit Union. They are refunding the money and giving us a new card in 10 days. How do we stop these thieves from getting our money? All of the pending charges show DBT HOLD on 12/04/2014 / ORIGIN.COM EA REDWOOD CITY CA
The same thing just happened to me from Origin.com, I checked my bank account online, and had a$1.00 charge and then a $34.99 charge !! I've never played a game on-line in my life ! I used my debit card at Wal-Mart last night. I just got off the phone with my bank to report it, They asked if I would press charges if someone is using my account no. , you better believe I will !! I would love to know how they got my account number. Now my debit card is no good until I get a new one in the mail, So not only did someone use my account no., I have to wait to get money back into my account AND wait on a new debit card, could be 10 business days, I despise a thief !!!
Same thing happened to me a charge for $1.00 and then a charge for $59.99. This was done again so there were 2 charges for $1.00 and 2 charges for $59.00.
I later found out VISA had called earlier to alert me. Another similarity is this was done on a Friday, by the time I tried to contact my bank it was after business hours. I called VISA fraud at 10:00 PM and cancelled my card immediately! Now I have to deal with the legitimate charges that won't get paid since I cancelled my card.
Will call my bank on Monday AM to get a new card sent.
This is what life is like in the cyber world, it is a threat!
Good Luck to all of you, keep an eye on your accounts.
So I checked my debit card and the amount left was $20 when I had $150 on there, and in my transactions are purchases for www.ea.com/cs ea redwood city ca and some other from origin.com ea I don't know how it happened at all and my last purchase I made was days ago on amazon and I'm currently trying to get my money refunded for those unknown payments. Smfh
I had 6 charges this morning from origion 3 for $1 and 3 for $63.74. I called the bank immediately and cancelled my card, wont have a new one until Tuesday. Also sent an email to identity theft which I have through legalshied. but I cant get reimbursed for the funds until the bank processes them and they are no longer in a pending status. So have to wait until then to submit a claim to dispute the charges.
When balancing my checking acct today, I saw a charge for $54.50. I immediately went to my bank, Well's Fargo, and the lady I talked to helped me file a claim. Well's Fargo gave me a ph # 1(800)548-9554 to call and file a claim. We had to close my debit card and was issued a new temporary card until I get my new card in 5-10 days. My only problem is this, I use pogo frequently for my game play. I pay $5.99 per month. I love the sight for game play but do I dare risk using my new debit card again?
Just adding to the complaints here. Began receiving text messages for charges on my WF card. First 1.00, then 65.69 from ORIGIN.COM EA in REDWOOD CITY. Called Wells Fargo, cancelled card, then began seeing "declined" messages as the bastard was trying again.
Opened complaints with AG offices in WA state and CA.
Went to check account tonight and found charges for $34.99, $1.00, $34.99 and another $1.00 from Origins.com Redwood CA on my CheckCard. I had never even heard of these people??? How did they get access to my card? Seems they would have a little more security on their end and want a little more information from people ordering stuff using a card that is not in their name. Thieves is the only true explanation for this entire transaction.
I checked my bank account this morning. (Sunday, 1-24-2015) I found a charge for $42.49 pending from ORIGIN.COM EA. I never made such a purchase.I tried to contact Ea but its Sunday so I was only able to speak with someone using their chat feature. I explained to them that I have never made a purchase with either EA or Origin. They said they could see that I hadn't. They did not ask me for any information other than a call back number. I was told I would be called soon by a specialist. I never was. I then received an email stating that my case had been closed and marked as resolved. WHAT? I got back on the chat and was told that it was resolved on their end. I will get a call soon. I asked them howbthis happened and he said Dont worry about that. WTF.... I now have to call my bank and deal with it there.
Just shopped at Tillys, BestBuy, Home Depot, and Costco, with a quick stop at walmart (its black friday...give me a break) Now I have 3 chargers of $39.99 along with 3 charges of $1.00. its to late to call the bank will be doing so tomorrow. Wtf Orgin?
Same thing happened to me as the others reporting on the website. I called Wells Fargo, and they sent me to the fraud department and will dispute the charges. I also filed a police report as recommended by Wells Fargo. I then called the Toll Free number listed here and was able to talk to a gentleman that was very pleasant and he told me they already detected the charges on their end and reversed them and hopefully it will reverse before hitting the account but he could not be sure. Still had to order another card thru my bank which can take 7-10 days I just hope it arrives before I go out of town next weekend.
Yep they got me to. Same charges add up to around 200$. Arbys was the last place I went! And I to have WF bank. Is it the bank?
I too found that on dec 24th Origin com EA Geneva charged my bank account for games I never purchased. I am 86 yrs old and they left me 20 dollars in my account. I reported it to Bank of America and they told me they are going to open an investigation. I am also filing fraud charges and am willing to prosecute anyone involved. I have only used my card at Amazon, Target and J c Pennys. This is the second time this has happened to me and each time I have cancelled my cards and was issued new ones. How can they keep getting our information? Someone has to be selling it to them. I agree that we should all band together and get a class action suit filed against these people as it will continue on and on
I had the same thing happen to me. The last place I used my debit card was at Arbys/ at a gas station in Normangee, Tx. any connections?
Just checked my bank account and had a $1 charge from origin.com E Redwood, CA. I don't play video games or have any reason to buy from this company. I immediately called my bank Wells Fargo and had a claim filed and they will be refunding me the charge. I had to cancel my card as well. This is ridiculous!
I just happen to look at my account today 12/12/14 and notice two charges for $52.95 from Orgin.com, which I did not authorize. I called my bank and they cancelled my card plus put in a fraud claim. This is crazy.
I had 150 in my account. Left with 20 and have 4 fraud charges from origins ea. When i called and cancelled my ebay account closed. Texas
I have the standard 6 charges.
EA is a joke. Can't get ahold of anybody.
Wells Fargo said they are taking care of it.
6 pending charges from Sunday. I noticed Sunday evening.
I had used the card on amazon lately.
I read where Opinion only needs a name and the last four digits of a debit card. That information is usually on the receipt. Thus make sure you get the receipt when you use it. DON"T LET THE CLERK THOWIT IN THE TRASH.
Woke up to WF alerts for $43.46, $43.35, $40.07, $43.46, $1.00 and $5.07 from ORIGIN.COM EA REDMOND CA does anyone know how they got the information
I just got off the phone with my bank (Wells Fargo) and they are going to get the charges removed. My debit card is cancelled as well. They told me they are seeing this same fraud from EA more frequently lately and were pretty helpful in getting it taken care of. I tried calling EA with the number above, but they don't talk to you directly. You have to go to the website and select your issue and apparently they call you at some point, but fraudulent charges or billing were not options that I saw.
We just got hit 12/18/14 and 12/13/14 from origin EA, Redwood City, CA. in the amounts of $34.98, $64.97 twice and $39.99 twice with a $1.00 charge. We didn't know this had happened until our bank called, because there was no activity on our card until these charges. Beware of this scam!! I'm going to get to the bottom of it.. Our credit card was never out of our sight.
I just discovered seven different charges so far from EA comics and it's my WELLS FARGO ACCOUNT as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up one morning and checked my e-mail as usual, and I noticed my account was overdrawn. I check my banking and notice multiple charges of $50. I called my bank to report the fraud charges and they told me to contact origin, which was difficult but not impossible. One of their representatives was able to help me and the charges cleared a couple days later. I don't download games online nor play them, not sure how this one slipped by without my bank nipping it in the bud.
Since over half the folks on here don't seem to understand how credit card fraud works:
Credit card numbers are stolen in large quantities. Every cashier, every pizza guy, every waitress at a restaurant who touches your card has an opportunity to steal the account numbers. Then millions more are stolen off unsecured documents, or hacked billing systems.
These bulk card numbers are worth next to nothing and can be purchased on the black market for only few dollars.
The thief that purchases the bundle of stolen numbers then runs a "test charge" to verify the card is valid. This is often $1, or other small purchases. Once the card is verified as "good" they then make their larger purchase.
Origin is an online vendor of digital goods. Things that can be purchased and downloaded onto a laptop while on an anonymous free wifi. Your account information is being stolen by kids who're buying video games.
The amount of rage at Origin for it is good for a laugh. They have nothing to do with this, and lose money on every one of these reversed charges. Why are you calling them at all? It's not even needed. You call your credit card, press # for the Fraud Department, and they take care of it. That's it. You don't need to track down the vendor. No wonder they're confused.
You report your card as stolen to the credit card company. They reverse the charge. They issue you a new number. That's how it works.
Research, people. Ignorant rage is still ignorance.
This charges are due to PC game purchase...
I had $130 dollars fraudulently posted to my debit card on 4/4/14. Company needs better measures when setting up accounts. This company is the one that is loosing as its reputation is being trashed through the internet. I Contacted company and told them of this link to let them know thieves are stealing merchandise from there company. here is there contact info: Electronic Arts 209 Redwood Shores Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065 Main: (650) 628-7352 Email: ir@ea.com
My husband's business account was hacked into and 3 charges for $49.00 were pending for ORIGIN.COM EA REDWOOD CITY-CA. If that wasn't enough, the little butt wipe charged another $56.22 to Warlords of Draenor VERSAILLES IE. When I went on to these sites, especially the warlords of draenor, it was obvious that we are dealing with some very nerdy kids. The websites that are allowing this to go on should have a class-action suit thrown at them. I wonder if there are any attorneys that would like to tackle this? I would certainly be willing to contact an attorney in CA. I think there are enough people with damages from sites like origin that it would be a great chance for punitive damages to punish these sites and compensate those damages.
Same thing happened to me. wells fargo very helpful.
Same thing happened to girl friend we found out this morning when we woke up ....seems like a lot of you use Wells Fargo ...We do too.
This website allowed my debit card to be used illegally!!! Origin.com needs to shutdown!!! Four charges totalling over 125.00 were used! I better get my herd earned money back, also I use wells Fargo so maybe the issue is there!!!!
It is definitely fraud and I think the $1.00 charge (of which I have 3) is a feeler to see if they get noticed. I am 75 and do not buy games. I called my bank, Wells Fargo, ( I also look at my account daily and caught these bogus charges immediately) and had to cancel my bank card to be safe. A pain in the backside to be sure. Have no idea where they got the information. What a mess! and I was lucky compared to others.
I had the same thing. they charged 1.00 dollar then charged 41.44 from origin.com ea redwood city ca. Javier rodriguez. i live in colorado so i know i didnt charge it dam thieves
Charges notated as Origin.com or EA Redwood City, CA in line items on a statement should be referring to transactions placed with Electronic Arts through Origin (https://www.origin.com), our digital gaming platform. Questions about these charges can be reported to our support staff via EA Help. A walkthrough for contacting about these issues specifically can be found here: http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-contact-ea-help-about-fraudulent-charges/. Through those steps, a call-back can be requested (during business hours, 9am-9pm CDT) and a support representative will be in touch.
My card was used first for $1 and the $48 then $1 then $48 then $1... Right now the charges are pending but since it is the weekend and nobody is there to answer the phone, I'm screwed. Origin obviously knows this is happening and not fixing the problem. I'm, like most here, pissed. It's Saturday 11/29/2014 and I'm trying to do my holiday shopping and just had to cancel my card and won't get my new one for 7-10 days.
Received text and email notification from Chase Visa about probable fraudulent charges. Chase Visa had already put an immediate halt on my account; ended up canceling the card and will receive a new card in less than two business days. What a way to spend Black Friday!!! GGGrrrrr!!!
I had a fraudulent charge of $90.39 on my credit card made by "ORIGIN COM EA GENEVA CHE". I contacted ORIGIN and they told me they had no record of this transaction (real comforting!). In the end I filed a dispute with my credit card and am still waiting for a refund.
Hi I had the same company show up and freaked out when I googled and found this page. After talking to my husband, realized it was for a game he ordered for our daughter and perfectly legit. Maybe check with your kids and see if they ordered any games. The game was Sims.
I had a $1.00 charge and then a $224 charge to my account this morning from origin.com . Never heard of this company, I hadn't authorized the charge - someone has stolen my debit card info. I immediately called my bank and canceled the card but was told they don't contest charges on business accounts, I would have to myself. As soon as it was 11am (8am pacific time)I called the numbers listed on this site but would be on hold for 3 minutes, then told all operators were unavailable, try calling later and disconnected. I called the 800 number for France that someone else mentioned having success with, but was on hold over an hour two different times. At some point I found an email address for kbarker@ea.com and sent them a message with the last four of my card, the amount, and my name. That was at 1:03pm. At 5:32 I received an email back from Kyle Cooper (kcooper@ea.com) who is on the Executive Relations Team - very nice, utilized the information I had provided, found the charges and canceled it and told me to contact him back if the transaction didn't reverse. The signature has his direct # as 512-583-6152. So if you're like me, and this has happened around the holidays when they are clearly very short staffed with customer service reps and unable to get anyone of the phone, try sending that guy an email.
Same thing happened to me! Same charges in price range. I called EA and they said they would call me back, they have yet to do so. Contact CNN or Fox News so they can do a story on this. Seems to have happened to thousands of people. Don't know how they got my info.
I had the same thing happened to me yesterday from origin.com they made transactions of $180 from my wells Fargo debit card! I had no idea frauds were using my account number and had no idea how in the world they even got it but i found out while trying to dine out and my card was declining! So,went on my wf app and to see unknown transaction of a site I've never heard of and had no clue what it was and immediately contacted wf customer service to have the whole account shut down! This "origin.com" company,whatever it is ought to be sued and shut down!!! Why take peoples money that they work so hard for?! Are you freaking kidding me!
Happened to me too. Talked to my bank and got the charges declined...but guys. Let's all brainstorm and figure out how this was caused. I know for a fact that I didn't buy anything online from EA, so how did they get my card info?
If we can all find some common ground, maybe we can find out how all of our credit cards' info was stolen. What were some broad places that you put in your credit card info? I use Dollar Shave Club, Wal-Mart, Circle K, Meijer, and many more. Anybody else?
Orgin.com/EA charged my bank card for several charges! Stupid Hackers!
I also am a victim of unauthorized charges dated March 15 - March 18, 2014 from "ORIGIN COM EA GENEVA" and "WWW EA COM/CS EA REDWOOD CITY CA" totaling $1,074.14, most of them are duiplicate charges. Called my bank and filed a dsipute plus cancelled the card. I am so pissed!! I'm also requesting legal charges to be filed. This shouldn't happen!
I was just sent a text alert of a $31.82 on my card from this company as well. Has anyone received their money back?...This is a mess and a shame! I pray to God some thing is done about this because people have families to take care of and fools stealing the kids school clothes money!!
Came back home to check my bank account and found 6 charges in my debit card. $1, $19,99 three times and $29,99 2 times. Called CHASE and cancelled card, but no way to contact the company. EA origin.com redwood CA. How the hell did they get a hold of my info? scary. Want to find out through which company...Olive Garden and Sonnys are the last places I left the card to waitress. Everywhere else I paid, card was with me. I will find them
I'm sorry for the double post, but in the interest of helping out any who are affected (I'm not sure if this will help or not) "Origin" seems to be some sort of video game company based in California.
All of the 6 charges to my debit visa card were within seconds of each other on 12/20. I'm not bothering to contact the fraudulent company, but even though they are pending point of sale (POS) charges, the bank can't submit paperwork to get my money back until they actually go through/post this afternoon. I can't believe they aren't able to block the pending posts to prevent the paperwork hassle. Once they go through, then I can sign the bank paperwork and get reimbursed. So, yes, my debit card had to be cancelled -AGAIN - and I have to wait for a new one. I've used it online for purchases through Target, Amazon, and Maurices. I believe it was likely the Amazon purchases that was the source of leaking CC info. I think that was where the last fraud for a Scam company for some IT Support company out of FL began a few months ago when I purchased via Amazon. Either that or Target. Those are the only 2 in common with these 2 scams. I'm only using our Visa Credit Card for online purchases from now on istead of our Debit Card Visa. At least I'll still be able to pay my bills coming out of checking and make day to day purchases while I wait for a new Visa - which I hardly ever use. Good luck people.
For me, I actually tried to make a purchase, but EA/Origin said I couldn't because something was fishy with my card. My first thought went to money, but I knew I had more than enough in my bank account so I rushed over to check my account. Lo and behold there were 9-10 different charges on my account all for $19.99, which was the same cost of the game I was trying to purchase. Fortunately none of the purchases went through because my bank caught them, and started cancelling them all.
The next day I called my bank and the lady told me that there were 25 charges on my account, not the 9-10 I had originally thought and do believe she said they were over a period of time. In the beginning I thought it was because someone had my credit card number, but it seems like it was more a fluke on EA's end because all the charges I could see were at the exact same time I tried to make a single purchase. I'm still confused how this could have happened, although everything is clear now.
I would say stay clear of EA/Origin if you can and contact your bank first and provide them with any documents/proof you can that proves you didn't make the purchases, (i.e. you don't have any new games/purchases that show up on your account or any and all emailed receipts you have from Origin.) The bank will be able to match your last EA/Origin receipt(s) if you have any, to that same charge on your account.
The same thing happened to me, they charged a total of 175 dollars from my card.
Had 4 charges from the very same 2 companies just Friday & the first one was for $1 & then several more on my CC - Chase Bank alerted me to the fraud! My CC was last used at a gas station in CA where I live! Anything on the Internet yet as seems it has hit a lot of people just recently??
Another victim here, but my story is a little different and I know exactly that EA (Electronic Arts) is responsible. My only connection to EA is playing POGO games online. My Mom and I have been playing POGO games for over 5 years. Pay annually using MY credit card (not debit card) for both accounts and have kept my credit card info in both POGO accounts (yes, stupid, but not anymore). On 1/8/15, only my Mom's email showed a receipt for a purchase of FIFA 15 (game name) for EUR43.40 from Geneva, Switzerland with instructions on downloading. On 1/8/15, only my email showed a bank card charge alert (I set up with my bank to alert me online any charge over $1) of EUR43.40. As soon as I got my email alert, I checked my online bank info and saw a charge for $51.60 from origin.com EA. Of course, I called my bank immediately and they reversed the charge, canceled the card and issued a new card which I picked up at bank the next day. I definitely intend to continue to pursue this fraud activity and believe it originates at EA. I know others on this website believe simple credit card fraud and they may be right for some victims, but not for me! I will update with any new activity.
Wow, same thing happened here today, need to know how they got my debit card number. my nephew does have xbox live with my debit card in it. and most recently used amazon. where have your cards been used
Checked my credit card today had 3 $50 charges from Origin.com I called my credit card company and filed a disputed blocked origin and canceled my card. Chatted with a rep from origin and I can't do much until the charges post. Not sure how someone got my card number. I did use Amazon the same day. I can say it's a pain to contact Origin but this post has been helpful in finding more contact routes.
It's fraud ! I was frauded 2000$ from this -.- Argh call ur bank ASAP and they will credit u ! They told me that this is under and investigation has happened to many people in Canada quebec! They said its Xbox games I guess !
I Had 4 charges today good thing I check my account a few times a day. I notified my bank Life stops for the weekend. Contacted these guys and they were very helpful and refunded my money. But life stops for the weekend. They did not act like they were to concerned about it. looks like they have a lot of these phone calls.
Just discovered five $1 charges from origin.com EA Redmond CA on my daughter's Well Fargo ATM card. Fortunately, the charges were just pending and her money was returned.
Happened to me on 1/5/15 3 $1.00 charges and 3 $39.99 charges, I too had a WF debit card, and the charges appeared after an Amazon purchase. SEE THE CONNECTION? DO NOT SAVE YOUR DEBIT CARD INFO ON AMAZON! Use a credit card or a prepaid card that you will use right away. That seems to be where the hackers got the info. from too many people.
Today my card showed 3 charges for $1.00 as "pending" from 11/24/2014. Called and they immediately cancelled my card and are sending me a new card with my money transferred to it. I have no clue who this gaming site is or how they got my number unless it was thru XBOX Live which that annual payment is due in November and has NOT came off the card as of today.
Chase sent me an email and I got it next morning on these 2 charges. But same card had been used elsewhere for 2 purchases they automatically blocked.
12/16/2014 Pending ORIGIN.COM EA CAD $83.16 12/16/2014 Pending ORIGIN.COM EA CAD $83.16
I called my Credit card co and they cancelled and said I would not be charged for this and cancelled my card. This Origin.com needs to tighten their security. It certainly should not go through unless they have the 3 digit security code.
Just a few months ago there was where they hacked Home depot and others so any of these things can come from there but I had not used this card there.
Make sure you have fraud alert setup on all your cards. Mine is any over $50 on credit card. Think I'll change mine to cell phone alert so I can get on it quicker.
Use a credit card if online and never your debit card.
I just had the exact same thing as everyone above as well. This morning my cell phone started going nuts with Banking Alerts from ORIGIN.COM EA REDWOOD CITY CA to the tune of $59.99. I had 12 of these charges pending by the time I was able to call my bank, kill my card and start the fraud claims process.
Discovered my debit card had been charged 4 times for online gaming. I had never heard of origin.com. These charges caused my bank acct to be over drawn . I contacted my bank, cancelled my card, filling fraud charges thru the bank. Been searching everywhere for a phone number. Finally found the messages above and someone had phone number (650-628-7352). Guess I'll be spending my afternoon calling, hoping to get this worked out.
I used my debit/credit card to make a purchase through my apple id/itunes account on an older ipad, next day I had 3 charges to my account 1.00, 209.00, and another 1.00, reported and closed card. Doing my research it was charged to origin.com, no idea what this website was, video games or video game money, don't play video games so whatever, no contact phone number on site, but found it here, hung up on multiple times. My research online shows a hack that was supposed to be fixed through apple id and itunes, but if you're running older operating systems you wont have the update/security fix like me, just thought i would share. And for all the thieves out there, karma.
On Saturday morning, 12/13/14, I discovered two charges on my debit card from Origin.com EA Redwood City CA, one for $1 and one for $53.14. This is not a company I ever heard of, so I checked the website and it turned out to be a video game site, definitely not a place I'd ever go.
The charges were pending authorization, so the transactions had not been finalized yet. I contacted the bank fraud department and they reversed the charges and cancelled the card. I was lucky I caught it before heading out of town for the day and before the transaction was complete. My most recent legitimate purchase just the day before had been through Amazon. I hope that is just a coincidence. I have shopped at Home Depot during the time it turned out data was being stolen, so I suspect that was the source. I will be filing fraud alerts with the credit bureaus. Not sure what other steps to take.
I had 200 dollars worth of charges to my card this morning from origin so I called my bank and canceled my card. I got in contact with origin/EA and all they could do was submit a refund. The person that had my info set up and anonymous account so they had no way or tracking them down. Good job patrolling your website and company origin!
I just got home and saw 3 emails from the fraud dept..2 59 dollar charges and a one dollar charge...My bank closed the card the charges shouldnt post they are just pending but i am hours away from leaving for new orleans and i have no bank card..
Each morning I checked my Wells Fargo bank statement. I noticed two charges this morning I did not make one was for a dollar the other was for $59.99. Both were charged by Origin.Com Redwood City, CA. I contacted Wells Fargo and they locked my account. Now I have to wait for a new bank card. The representative of Wells Fargo asked me if I would be willing to prosecute and I replied, to the fullest extent of the law! On this site I found the phone number for Electronic Arts. It took three attempts but I was able to file a complaint and they did call me back. They acknowledged that my account will not be charged. When I said the bank asked me if I would prosecute and I replied to the fullest extent of the law, on the Sunday representative on the phone said he couldn't hear me anymore. He said if you can hear me I can hear you. The phone line went dead. They called back. Again there was silence on the other end of the phone. They have not called back.
Just had 8 charges from this company hit my bank statement today (5/2/14) in the amount of $177.93. It was apparently on my debit card, not a credit card.
I did file a complaint with the CA Attorney General per the link above and will be calling my bank and EA to get this resolved somehow.
Charges showed up on my acct for Origins CA 2 days ago. First a charge for $1 followed by another to the same company $224.00. Very suspicious now that a few days prior I purchased an Xbox Live Gold membership on Amazon for my 10yr old. Seems to be a correlation between Amazon and EA Origins? An EA acct is needed when setting up online games. Is this all tied in?
Hassle to have to call WF who was awesome in helping to get a claim started, cancelled my card and hopefully have charges refunded. Something needs to be done about this.
Looked on my bank account last evening to find 2 charges. Of course the $1 and then another for $227.61. My bank just indicated that they must be valid because they used my zip code!!! I did not place any order, and I've called the company and haven't heard from them yet. Something needs to be done about this company. Now I will need another new card - after the Target and Home Depot fiascoes - 3 cards in 1 year !!! I'm super upset right now.
Each morning I checked my Wells Fargo bank statement. I noticed two charges this morning I did not make one was for a dollar the other was for $59.99. Both were charged by Origin.Com Redwood City, CA. I contacted Wells Fargo and they locked my account. Now I have to wait for a new bank card. The representative of Wells Fargo asked me if I would be willing to prosecute and I replied, to the fullest extent of the law! On this site I found the phone number for Electronic Arts. It took three attempts but I was able to file a complaint and they did call me back. They acknowledged that my account will not be charged. When I said the bank asked me if I would prosecute and I replied to the fullest extent of the law, on the Sunday representative on the phone said he couldn't hear me anymore. He said if you can hear me I can hear you. The phone line went dead. They called back. Again there was silence on the other end of the phone. They have not called back.
I called the EA/Origin number listed here (650 628 7352) and clicked the option for "directory" (because all other options lead to no one... simply online options that don't exist) and it led me to an Operator. I requested a call back about fraudulent charges and they took care of me. I also recommend canceling whatever card of yours is charged and getting a new card. Not sure how this happened, but it is illegal and I am prosecuting as well. Never buying anything from EA, or Origin (or Target.com for the same reason)!!!
Woke up this morning and went down to my bank to find 6 charges on my account from EA.com. Three were for $1.00 and the other three were for $59.99. This is fraud. I also took advice from the above comments and called this company to report fraud.... I couldn't even get through to a director...the message I got said that the company was closed today. Their hours of operation are mon-fri 8-5. Today is Tuesday and I called around 11 am. This is a serious scam and they are ripping people off left and right. My account was flagged and my card was cancelled. Investigation is in progress. Im done buying anything online. I've never eve heard of this company until now. Never bought anything from them.
I had 6 charges from this company 3 for one dollar and 3 for 43. called company and low and behold they couldn't find my card info to take care of it. bank called....no worries. this company definitely needs better online protocol for accepting credit/debit cards. it's a JOKE....
I called and got a recording that told me to visit Health.ea.com. but the site wanted me to get an account and give them more personal information. First they have already been identified as a fraud and I feel giving them my name and address as well as my email address would be stupid.
Also Appears on Statements As