*PANDORA 4029357733 CA

Learn about the "*Pandora 4029357733 Ca " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on March 19, 2014, Last updated on July 10, 2021

What is it?

I bought something from JINZHOU NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED and this is what it showed *PANDORA 4029357733 CA The confirmation email informed me this would be.

I would like to know what this charge is please

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD*PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • CHECKCARD *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • POS Debit *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • POS PUR *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • POS PURCH *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • POS REFUND *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • PRE-AUTH *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • PENDING *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • Visa Check Card *PANDORA 4029357733 CA MC
  • Misc. Debit *PANDORA 4029357733 CA
  • CHKCARD *PANDORA 4029357733 CA