Payment For Amz

Learn about the "Payment For Amz" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 6, 2014, Last updated on March 9, 2016

What is it?

It is a payment for Amazon store credit card.

This is a payment from my bank to a credit card I have for Amazon through Syncrony Bank.

That's for Amazon gift card.

My bank charge of $50.00 said "Web Authorized Pmt Payment For Amz". Filed a fraud claim with the bank.

If you have a charge from AMZSTORECRDPMT. This is for a Amazon Credit Card account. You likely made a payment on your Amazon credit card account over the phone or on their website. You can called them to verify what the transaction is for by calling 866-634-8379 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

AMZ SECURED CARD I didn't authorize this , I reported it to my bank card ,I WANT MY MONEY BACK !!!

My bank account was just charged $75.00 from WEB Payment for AMZ. I do not have an Amazon Credit Card or credit account with AMAZON. I DID NOT authorize this payment. I have contacted my bank instructing them this is a fraudulent charge & to start an investigation.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDPayment For Amz
  • CHECKCARD Payment For Amz
  • POS Debit Payment For Amz
  • POS PUR Payment For Amz
  • POS PURCH Payment For Amz
  • POS PURCHASE Payment For Amz
  • POS REFUND Payment For Amz
  • PRE-AUTH Payment For Amz
  • PENDING Payment For Amz
  • Visa Check Card Payment For Amz MC
  • Misc. Debit Payment For Amz
  • CHKCARD Payment For Amz