Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE

Learn about the "Pos Pur Fastretail 877 6473735 De" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on February 21, 2014, Last updated on April 21, 2015

What is it?

Regarding:charges from FastRetail.I am as well.I have gotten this charge twice.First time was 1-31-14 and second time was 3-3-14,both for $2.98.When calling my credit card company they say is that it falls under the category of a cigar shop/stand.I now am stuck with a dispute process.I too have called this company and the phone number my credit card company has on file has been "disconnected".

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDPos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • CHECKCARD Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • POS Debit Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • POS PUR Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • POS PURCH Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • POS PURCHASE Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • POS REFUND Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • PRE-AUTH Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • PENDING Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • Visa Check Card Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE MC
  • Misc. Debit Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE
  • CHKCARD Pos Pur Fastretail 877-6473735 DE