Showtime Sub charge for $8.99 without my authorization. It is amazon, not fraud, from digital dept - mostly associated with fire stick or if you watch amazon online. I gave my dad a fire stick associatied with my account and he accidentally selected showtime free trial for 7 days, he didn't know it would start charging $8.99 after that. I called the amazon help desk and they reversed the charge and stopped the subscription. Luckily make bank alerts me to online purchases without swiping my card.
SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
Learn about the "Showtime Sub 866 216 1072" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on October 6, 2016, Last updated on June 12, 2017
What is it?
Just called the number beside the charge on my cc: 1-866-216-1072. Got a non-native American on the line, scared me. Then she asked for personal info - name, address. Said they were, in fact Amazon, but I was leery of that after reading all the above comments. She informed me that the $8.99 monthly charge (yeah, I just caught on) was for a subscription to Showtime. She transferred me to another guy (I figured I would be hung up on or never answered if this was fraud, but he did come on the line). He said the charge came through the Amazon one-click feature from my Vizio smart tv. Yes, I have one of those and yes, one-click is turned on. I will now be having a serious conversation with my 18-year old son. Ugh.
This is a scam. They charged my debit card and I called the number that charged me and the person that I was talking to didn't sound legit. When I got on the phone their was a lot of background noise when that person I was talking to. Additionally they asked for my address and my debit card number. So I automatically ended the call and called my bank to file a claim.
I got this same charge on my American Express for $10.22. I did not order anything like this from Amazon. In dispute with Amex now.
Also Appears on Statements As
- POS Debit SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- POS PUR SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- POS PURCH SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- PRE-AUTH SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- PENDING SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- Visa Check Card SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072 MC
- Misc. Debit SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072
- CHKCARD SHOWTIME SUB 866-216- 1072