Learn about the "Starbucks Card Reload 800 782 7282 Wa" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on July 19, 2012, Last updated on December 13, 2014

What is it?

Received my online cc statement this morning and hit with two separate Starbucks Reload charges on 5/27/15. One for $30.00 and one for $25.00. Called my cc company who informed me I needed to contact Starbucks. Called Starbucks and while she was very pleasant and helpful, she could not track down the charges with my cc information. She referred me back to my cc company who willingly credited my card for the two transactions. My card was canceled and they are reissuing a new card. My best guess on how this possibly occurred was I purchased a tent on Amazon the end of April using my pay-pal account tied to this card. The tent was a purchase from a company in China. I am thinking the reason the girl from Starbucks was unable to find my card information was possibly because they purchased the cards using my paypal account. Just a hunch but to be on the safe side, I canceled my paypal account.

on 12/22/2014 I had 4 Authorizations for Starbucks Reloads at $30 each on my debit card. Thankfully I had not got paid yet and they stopped there because I only had $27 left in my account. On 12/24/2014 the authorizations were still out there and then the purchases appeared (now keeping me away from $240 of my own money) - I had already signed fraud papers at the bank, etc. It's now 12/30/14 and the authorizations have fallen off but the purchases are out there and I still have to wait for $120 of my own money.

I called Starbucks and they deleted my Gold Card as a precaution and reissued it. I do not think it's Starbucks related honestly.

HOWEVER I found this to be an interesting piece of information from my bank: On 12/18/14 my debit card was "authorized" for $1.00 at Amazon and attempted on Overstock. I have not shopped on overstock in years however, I am a VERY active member of Amazon (subscribe and save; lots of in between purchases, etc.)

I do not use my debit card often as I have a paypal debit card linked to that checking account and I use that instead (For $$ back).

The ONLY times I use this debit card is for purchases and I had used it once at Walmart at the beginning of the month.

I honestly have a feeling there is some sort of insider job going on at Amazon. Especially as it was "tested" as my bank put see if the card worked at Amazon.

I have read a lot of zappos references above...and Amazon owns Zappos. Coincidence?

Also you can purchase Starbucks cards on amazon.


On my October 2014 bill from Discover, I discovered exactly the same charge from Starbucks refill for $100. I immediately repotted it to the Discover Card company. Hopefully they will catch the person or persons doing this.

Charges were made to my debit card for $ 100 twice on 6/8/2014 for Starbucks card reload (800)-782-7282 in a 18 hour period .....both transactions were pending and my bank (Chase) gave me $100 credit right after the charge were made as well as fraud prevention contacting me later that day about the charges...they canceled the card and reissued another....I shopped at Wal-Mart 2 days earlier as well as a Arco gas station 1 day earlier and Ralph's groceries and used the debit card for these transactions I also have a paypal account but hadn't used it in several opinion is Wal-Mart is the problem here from reading previous post....hope this helps..

I also had 2 charges for Starbucks Reload for $100 and one charge for Zappos for $10. Interesting.

I drink coffee from local shops and have never visited before.

$100 withdrawn from my bank account 3 times in one day! ($300) total. They got my info from PAYPAL! I disputed the charge there, canceled my card, and will be following up with my bank.

Just had a $100 fraudulent charge that posted to my credit card account on August 5, 2013. It was a Starbucks Card Reload 800-782-7282 WA. Never been to Starbucks and don't own any Starbucks card. I immediately called and reported the fraudulent charge. They closed the account and are sending me a new card. And for the person that posted a few posts up, my credit card in question was registered with so that might be a connection to the origins of this fraud.

Three months ago had one $50 charge. I have text alert on my card so was notified immediately and cancelled my card, but they then tried 14 more times! Now, 3 months later, they tried again at Starbucks Reload and were denied. Then 2 h ours later tried at ATT Web Hosting. Again denied. My bank won't do an investigation. They said I should report it to local law enforcement for investigation and they will cooperate with them if contacted. This is a really large scam! I had no idea. Does anyone have any media contacts that might like to take this on?

Just saw a charge for $100 i'm so mad i have to fill out paper work to dispute can't freeze card, traveling. Credit have to be able to stop this you can stop someone from making withdrals from your account but you cant block a company with out freezing your card

This happened to me as well there were 2 charges for this in Washington and I am not anywhere close to there. Called my credit card company right away and they refunded the money back to my account and got me a new card right away. Whoever is this starbucks fraud person is pretty good... smh call your company asap if you see these charges!!

I also got a $100 pending transaction with the exact same message.

STARBUCKS-CARD-RELOAD-800-782-7282-WA showed up on my card this morning. Does anyone know where this is coming from? My card is also linked to amazon and ebay.

This is a new one. I was hit with a $100 Starbucks Card Reload WA and a $5 GAP charge in California. I live in Maryland. This is where it's different. This was a gift card from work! Just a good ol' Master Card gift card.

Looks like it's going to be replaced, but not after having to go ask my boss for her receipt that the card was bought on, which of course is buried in an expense report from 2 months ago.

I believe it's an inside job coming directly from someone in Starbucks because they keep saying they can't give me any information and they allowed the hacker to use someone else's credit card on my account I'm female the person whose credit card was use I believe was a male and yet the information I get when I sign into account says 4 $30 Reloads but it just seems the money doesn't vanish no one can tell me where the money how does someone reload a Starbucks card and the money just vanish I'm getting tired of Starbucks saying contact your credit card company when it isn't even my credit that was used it was some strangers and they won't give me information yet they allowed some total stranger to do this to me I'm likely going to contact the FBI and ask them to investigate Starbucks employees because how can you not know where the money went and all I had on my account was an empty activated Starbucks gift card yet the person was able to activate an already activated gift card ugh Starbucks U Suck I'm contacting the authorities.

$800 fraud via 8 charges of $100 each to STARBUCKS CARD 800 782 7282 WA Like many others said before, Starbucks was not very cooperative and gave me conflicting information when I called them the second time. My card was also linked to for some time. I'm not sure if its Paypal, I've had an account there for over a year and nothing, it's been all good. I recently started selling on and recently Ebay had a security breach. I must say though, Amazon does do some fishy business (their free trial subscription automatically charges you without telling you to further the subscription after the free trial is over).

Starbucks card reload 800-782-7282 charged $20 twice and $10 once in a two day period in November 2015. USbank replaced our cards but did not refund us the $50. Not sure how they got our card number possibly paypal or the auto parts store

Starbucks Reload charge showed up on my Macy's "AmEx" portion of the account. There were 2 $25.00 charges on a card that I never activated. Strangely, the charge appeared on the following day after I had made a purchase at Macy's in Chicago. The Reload charge was made or at least processed in Washington. The identical phone number that shows up in other posts is also on my statement of charges.

I had just paid the minimal fee at to change my address before the Zappos/Starbucks fraud hit me . . . on two cards. The first card wasn't accepted, and then I entered a second card. The address change went through, but someone got both cards. Did anyone else change their address before the ZapBucks fraud?

$1,600 in fraudulent charges! Outrageous! Bank was great, but I want to know where these people (or person) got my info so that that company can fix their problem!

1800-782-7282 Starbuck reload Fraudulent. Today 02/20/2020 at 1:10 pm Chase Bank sent me an alert message stating " $100 purchased from Starbucks." Transaction was declined and was detected by the bank as fraudulent. Thank God for Chase!!

Same $100 charge that everyone else is talking about. I noticed several posts about and I too had this card on file there. Hmmm! Time to call Amazon!

$132 withdrawn from my bank account on April 27th.They got my info from will be following up with my bank and police.

I also had a $10 Zappos charge that is still pending, and a $100 Starbucks charge that was immediately denied so I have been refunded. My bank (BofA) immediately notified me after the Starbucks charge. Like Edmund on 8/4 I also recently had a change of address charge on

A card that I do not have access to or even knew existed was charged $100 last night and I called Starbucks to get help in rectifying the situation. Since the site only shows the last four of a card I do not have access to I asked to be given the first four of the card number so that I may compare it to the credit report which as we all know leaves off the last four. I was advised by a customer representative that she would transfer me to the tech department which could go further in depth in helping me with this situation, we were amazingly disconnected. So I was confused and upset when I called back and was advised that they were not allowed to do that even though the first representative had told me she could. After debating with a manager for awhile I was informed that I could not be transferred, called back, or put on three way (conference call) with their fraud or billing department to help me to rectify this situation. Instead I was told to wait for the billing statement of a card that I do not have access to or even know if it is mine. The address listed is one I lived at 5 years ago, the address had not been updated because the credit card was expired and the account had not been used since about 2008. The manager Britany, told me that I should get in contact with my financial institution. I asked how was I supposed to do that when I did not have any idea who to contact, since I haven't had an active card on that account in over 6 years. I did some research after being denied over and over again and it really was not a big surprise since she kept saying security issues (How can there be a security issue when it is supposed to be my card and my account? Plus I never asked for the anything but the first four or five numbers to compare to my credit report), that is when I found this site and realized that they have to be aware that this is going on and if they are not aware then hopefully they will be soon as the complaints keep coming. I truly cannot believe the way this was handled by the Starbucks customer service department. The manager went so far as telling me that they did not have a direct line to the billing or fraud department.

Opened a Sears MasterCard sometime last year for the sake of getting a discount. Paid it off after a month. Received the card and never used it, never even activated it. One year later I get a statement with a $100 charge for STARBUCKS CARD RELOAD 800-782-7282 WA on 7/4/14. Called Sears credit services and disputed charges and cancelled the account.

I've never used this card outside of the original purchase when I opened it. Never entered card information anywhere on internet. Never even entered the card. Sounds to me like it's a security breach on Sears/Mastercard end.

My husbands card was charged 2 times at $100.00 a piece for Starbucks reload card Seven hours after buying a kindle book on amazon Bank called us about activity and card is frozen

DITTO: Fraudulent online purchase of a $50 Starbucks reload and $10 charge at

Never used either store / place in my life. Discover card

I have had fraudulent charges for 'Starbucks card reload' show up on 3 different credit cards in a span of 5 months. I am tired of changing cards. I read on somebody's posting here that it may be linked to Amazon. With this info I check the cards that I had saved with Amazon and they exactly matched the cards which showed the fraud transactions over last several months. I have informed Amazon about the same so they can investigate.

STARBUCKS-CARD-RELOAD-800-782-7282-WA fraudulently posted four charges of $20 each to my Discover card. Called Discover Card to cancel card; called the Starbucks number and they were unable to help. I've never bought anything at Starbucks nor do I have a Starbucks card. Would like to know how people got my CC number, and why no one seems to be doing anything about this on-going scam.


OK, this shit just got crazy. I looked up the alleged Starbucks location where the fraud supposedly took place and got the phone number for them and called the manager. He confirmed for me that the transaction ACTUALLY took place in his store!

Here is what happened: Small Asian dude in a blue shirt (his words, not mine) came in and bought a LOT of swag; mugs and whatnot, and then (this is crazy) he used the Starbucks app on his phone which somehow had MY Starbucks account on it and he used it to load a NEW card. So, he took all the money off my card and put it onto a new one. Sneaky fuk. I am as yet unclear as to how he accessed my card to begin with. The card is supposed to be registered to a specific phone, which should* be mine. This is a big-time fail on the part of Starbucks. So the manager, who was very nice and helpful (and totally shocked) is filing an incident report and said the store lead manager will probably call me tomorrow and that they are going to see if they can trace the newly-loaded card to see where it goes and then they can sync up their security footage and hopefully catch this fu**er.

On 7/31/13, my bank care was charged a total of $560 identified as STARBUCKS RELOAD 800-782. This seems like a common scam

$145 in fraudulent charges posted to my credit card account on 05 Feb 13. Left with no choice but to close the account. Credit card co. was vigilant in denying the charges.

I got 6 charges on 3/16/14 totaling $575 from Starbucks Card Reload on my Macy's AMEX. I used the card at Macy's the same day all the charges appeared. I have not used that card before in over a year and it is not linked to Amazon, eBay, or Paypal.

I just discovered $400 was taken in July 2014 by this Starbucks Reload WA. My bank will not dispute it because it's been past 60 days. I don't use the card so I never really checked it. $100/day for four days. Starbucks should be ashamed that this has gone on for two years as should these banking institutions who should be aware of these widespread scams. I apparently have no recourse because so much time has passed, and now I'm out $400 due to fraud.

I do not have a payment card linked to Starbucks. I do not reload my Starbucks card online. Even after getting a new debit card, I get the same attempts to "reload" Starbucks' cards on the NEW debit card. Someone needs to get to the bottom of this and STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!! If it weren't for my text alert on my debit card, I would be out hundreds of dollars. It's just such an annoyance to have to get a new debit card every couple of months. I do shop online at Amazon, which has been mentioned often as a possible source. Someone find the root of this scam, PLEASE!!!!!

Apparently the Starbucks fraud is alive & well. My bank card was charged on 3/31/22 for $14.31. Statement read: Starbucks 800-782-7282800-782-7282. Other fraudulent charges tracks its use to CA.

Same thing happened to me! Starbucks reload appeared on my bank account however no credit appeared on my starbucks account. I recently did purchase something on amazon. Could somehow, someone stole my credit card information .... ? Dont know but this is not cool at all..... Calling my bank right now!

It happened to me in the Virgin Islands! The same ole STARBUCKS CARD REL scam! Its still going strong 4/4/16! Cant these people be stopped? 3 charges in all. Two charges for $10 then one for $20. All in the same day. Thank God I caught it before they had time to charge more. I have Amazon and ITunes accounts. We don't even have a Starbucks on Island. How are they able to get my account number?

Wow! Lots of $ lost! I’m a flight attendant and didn’t realize it was happening .

I didn't notice the charges on my card for a long time and by the time I had noticed when I went back and added it all up I had been scammed for $2345. Hopefully my credit card provider refunds it. Really sad, never been scammed for so much money in my life.

$400 in fraudulent charges. Bank is looking into it, but the fact that someone can get away with this is ridiculous.

All of the fraudulent charges started with "FRG Team Fan Shop." This appears to be the test charge. After that, two Starbucks Reload Card charges for $25 and $75. I am going on my fourth Discover card in less than a year. The common denominator according to other peoples' reports is Macy' and/or Amazon. Seems like they would have remedied this by now if that is the case. Very bad for business.

Starbucks Reload charge showed up on my Macy's "AmEx" portion of the account. There were 2 $25.00 charges on a card that I never activated. Strangely, the charge appeared on the following day after I had made a purchase at Macy's in Chicago. The Reload charge was made or at least processed in Washington. The identical phone number that shows up in other posts is also on my statement of charges.

On Saturday, January 2, 2016, I was alerted through email that two $20.00 charges were made four minutes apart on my Amex card. (I signed up for alerts). Since I've never been to Starbucks, and have never purchased any "reload" card, I immediately contacted my credit card company and requested a new card. I then called Starbucks and was given a case number and was told by Jim that my information would be sent to their fraud department. Unfortunately for me, the not-too-bright Amex representative allowed the "pending" charge to go through, even though I was assured that they would flag it. I called Amex once again this week and talked to someone in the fraud department (who had an accent), and was assured that no further charges would be allowed. I have since received my new credit card. I asked Amex to block this merchant, but was told that the new card would do the same thing. I do shop at Amazon and although I do not have a Paypal account, I have had to pay with my credit card through PayPal on rare occasions. This seems to be an ongoing major fraud scheme. Why can't they put strict measures in place for this WA reload website? We are the victims and now have to worry and monitor regularly because of these hacking scams!

I had two $50 charges with this description show up on my account. I called my bank while they were still pending and they were able to stop payment and issue a new card. I can't pinpoint where they got my info, but I use Paypal, Amazon, Starbucks, and a few other sites.

I was charged 100.00 on my bank card today. It said Starbucks and the number was 800-782-7282. I do not have pay pal or Amazon. Below this charge there was another on for 10.00, from , I've never ordered anything from them, I think they said the were a online shoe store. I called my bank, and they shut down my account and sending me a new card. y question is, how do the keep getting my card information??

I was charged the same $100 to my Visa for a STARBUCKS card. My bank was great about clearing the charges, but I'm worried where this is coming from.

Detected a fraudlent charge from zap* for $10.00 on 8/21 dated on 8/17. Several days later another charge from Starbucks Card Reload 800-782-7282 WA for $100 appeared dated 8/21 just hours before I closed the card. 100 percent fraudulent. As others have noted, I did use this card on and I believe they may be the weak link, but it is hard to say.

Odds are wherever you used the card isn't responsible. Smartphones can scan some credit/debit cards and steal info. If link doesn't work google "digital pickpockets"

Same as so many others posted here. 4 separate Starbucks Card Reload for $100.00 each and a $10.00 Zappos charge. These companies know there is a problem, but allow these charges to go through. I am also shocked that VISA did not notice or contact me about these suspicious charges. With this being an obvious and large-scale fraud, you would think this would be easy to spot or at least be suspicious about. Extremely disappointed in all involved. I also have an Amazon and e-bay accounts. These companies also need to be more responsible.

Charges were made to my debit card for $ 100 twice on 6/8/2014 for Starbucks card reload (800)-782-7282 in a 18 hour period .....both transactions were pending and my bank (Chase) gave me $100 credit right after the charge were made as well as fraud prevention contacting me later that day about the charges...they canceled the card and reissued another....I shopped at Wal-Mart 2 days earlier as well as a Arco gas station 1 day earlier and Ralph's groceries and used the debit card for these transactions I also have a paypal account but hadn't used it in several opinion is Wal-Mart is the problem here from reading previous post....hope this helps..

Fraudulent charges of several hundred dollars over multiple days on my debit card for Starbucks Card Reload. Bank of America investigating and will send result of investigation within 90 days. I also called Starbucks, but that didn't get me anywhere. I sent them more details in writing. I do not own a starbucks card or know anyone who does.

STARBUCKS-CARD-RELOAD-800-782-7282-WA fraudulently posted for $100 on my Bank Card today (it was in pending status since 3/24). I contacted my bank, and they are investigating the issue. In addition, I contacted the 800 number listed in the description. The people on the other end (I assume it's a Starbucks representative) was not helpful at all. I was able to provide a transaction ID number, and all they could tell me was that the charge originated online. They were not willing to provide the Starbucks Card number that was reloaded, or even additional information requested at time of transaction (ie - billing address, name of customer...etc). Since the money came out of my account, I would think that I would have all access to the information pertaining to the charge...apparently, Starbucks disagrees. No wonder crooks are so easily getting away with this. I hope my bank is able to get somewhere....

Had the same thing happen and didn't notice it. The fraud transaction is more than 60 days old so the company through which my card is issued will not even look at my request. Out $100 and no recourse.

Can you help? What is this charge?

(Will be shown publicly)
(Be concise and clear. Include supporting links or references)

Also Appears on Statements As

  • POS Debit STARBUCKS CARD RELOAD 800-782-7282 WA
  • Visa Check Card STARBUCKS CARD RELOAD 800-782-7282 WA MC
  • Misc. Debit STARBUCKS CARD RELOAD 800-782-7282 WA