WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR

Learn about the "Walmart.Co 702 Sw 8th St 800 966 6546 Ar" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on June 14, 2015, Last updated on July 20, 2023

What is it?

I was checking my bank account online and i noticed a $423.00 charge from WALMART 702 SW 8THST MS.i said"what the f*^☆ did i spend $423.00 on at walmart?!" The charge was 2 days after my birthday,I DIDNT EVEN GO TO WALMART THAT DAY AND I LIVE IN WASHINGTON STATE NOT ARKANSAS!!! I have no idea how anyone got my info to rip me off,i do not order online from walmart so i am confused but i need my money back walmart.....

I also panicked because my EBT card was charged buttt after some digging I found out it shows it as that address when you order from Walmart App. Not saying this is the case for everyone but hope this helps.

Withdrawel CONSUMER DEBIT WALMART GROCERY 702 SW 8TH STREET MS100 Money was withdrawn from my checking out without my consent from the address above and I'm reporting FRAUD. Please help.

My food stamp card was charged $208 at a Bentonville Arizona Walmart. I live in Oklahoma and have Oklahoma food stamps. Customer service on the snap hotline said that my card number and my pin were USED. what do I do?

Someone charged my card $1245.34 at 702 SW 8th St I don’t know how someone got my card information I don’t even shop at Walmart & I don’t never spend that much money wtf is going on how did someone get my information anyways this is fraud

I noted 3 charges on my card, all to Walmart @ 702 SW 8th St Maricopa, Az for $161.85, 30.27 and 130.71. All of these charges were made to my card. and i am from idaho i want my money back

I have a debit charge of $608.41 (2023-04-30) May 1,2023 from 702
SW 8th . I did not authorize this charge. I do shop at Walmart but never ever at (online) I want my money back on my card immediately. Please advise of timeline to correct this egregious mistake.

I had 3 charges come out of my EBT card that was not me who purchased. I am looking to see if you can look up payment info and tell me where the order was delivered.

I also was charged $98 on my card from here which I didn't authorize....I would like my money back as well!#anothervictimoffraud

That charge is th door dasher's tip, or whatever delivery service they use in your area

My EBT cash was stolen $1400 I did the police report and changed my EBT again they're using my card? please!! low-income families are suffering financially, especially in the inflation. Law enforcement's intervention is mandatory here.

Well after freaking out and canceling my card, come to find out that when this was happening to me the $18 pending after my delivery was the difference for the out of stock items. My card was originally charged $68 (pending) Things were out of stock and then the charge changed to $50. That $18 difference was still from the original pre-authorization which will fall off within a week hopefully. I was just confused as it has never shown up like this before. I'm not saying that is what's happening to everybody as I am sure there are nefarious things going on. However this is what happened with me and I'm telling you all this so that maybe somebody else will be able to put it together before ordering a new card and destroying the one that they have currently which is not actually compromised. Lol. Better safe than sorry. but I hope everybody else finds a resolution

Someone stole 294$ at Arizona walmart I want my money back

Why am i receiving a $12.95 charge from walmart in Arizona!

I have a monthly withdraw from Walmart of 13 $, I did not authorized that and I live in Italy!!! We don’t even have Walmart in all Europe!! But I have been in the USA on holiday last year (but NOT in Arkansans). I blocked my card

I was charged $16.23 and $2.00 on 3/16/23. I made no purchases that day and the address was that Arkansas Walmart address. I'm waiting for a response from Walmart.

I did not know what the charge was. I came to this site and assumed that the charge of $106.09 was fraudulent. So, I called Walmart and found that, at least in my case, it was not a fraudulent charge. It was the charge for my Walmart+ yearly membership.

My EBT card was just skimmed for $1,030.32 over a two day period all to the 702 SW 8th st address in Arkansas. I live in CA and have never even been to AR. EBT says they will only replace $281 and if it happens again they wont replace. I did nothing wrong. It is very discouraging to see this happens to people monthly. So sad. The folks who need it the most are being targeted.

Total fraud. I don't even shop at Walmart or on line. And all I did stamps were taken. Even my cash aide. I'm very sick and homeless , no one has access to my card , I just got new one 2 months ago . Couldn't afford any soup or others items to get my self better. I walked out of a local store hopeless to govt out every dollar was gone . Embarrassed at the register coughing cause I can't afford thing .. thanks to Walmart.
I walked in to socal service sick then ever. My worker wouldn't see me at I told her my stamps were skimmed and I needed meds and food to get better.. going thru paper work, new EBT card and money I just applied for. .. can't believe Walmart skimmed peoples cards like really pretty messed up they they treat there employees like crap but to steal customer's info and money is uncalled for . Hope the day the lawsuit to them comes quickly

This happens to me every other month I do get my stamps back it’s aggravating but I do get them back call at this number 18009256278 ask for a higher person to speak to because the ones that answer can’t help you when the person gets on the phone tell them your problem let them know your stamps were removed from your card and the head quarter address is the location provide them the address and tell them your card number and the day and time of the transaction they are going to tell you they don’t see it a couple times but it’s a different place they have to look to find the transaction its there they just have to look I’ve gotten my money back every time don’t hang up until they find it trust me it’s there inform them they have to look somewhere else it will not be with the regular transactions that were actually made

I checked my balance and have a 12.95 charge on my card and I've never went to Walmart. I would like my money back please

I had a charge to my card for 6.58 not my purchase it says Arizona I live in Michigan and says 702 SW 8th st. I Google it and came backbas Walmart and fraudulent. This happened May 10th, how do I get my money back? And stop further fraud?

My card was charged hundreds of dollars from 702 SW 8th St BENTON VILLE AR. I live in Florida, and I never buy from I believe this is an inside operation, meaning Walmart employees. It also seems to be an operation in many stores. When you go to self-checkout at Walmart, and the register freezes, and the employee goes into the machine and gets a piece of paper, and scans it in, tell the employee to give you that piece of paper. Don't let them keep it. Nowadays, you cannot trust anyone.

I had $199 dollars worth of charges made to my EBT card. I don't live in Arkansas. I need my food stamps refunded so I will be filling out a police report. Shekinah H

Same ordeal…. I just barely was approved for food stamps last week I used my ebt at Walmart in jville Tx and on the 16th then my kids needed milk on the 18th and I knew I still had a lot on the card so I went to Walmart to get my kids the milk and boom kept being declined, so I checked my balance it said $0 so I logged in online at your Texas benefits and sure af there is Walmarts headquarters address “balance inquiry “ FOUR TIMES ON THE 17th then on the 17th it showed 2 purchases made at a Mexican grocery store for $230.54 and $195.55 then 3 more balance inquiries right after but same date to the Arkansas Walmart headquarters. I called lone star to make the report that I never made those purchases nor have my card to anyone and she said that this has been going on over a year at that 702 sw 8th st Arkansas address smfh Walmart needs to get this shit stopped it’s wrong af and NO I don’t use online ordering either. Idk how these people keep getting away with it. But lone star told me they get the card numbers and pin when you swipe it and then they copy it to make a duplicate card so they can use/sell it.

I had 71.00 worth of of charges to my EBT card from here and I've never been in Arkansas. How can this be fixed?

Noted 3 charges to my Discover card all for Walmart @ 702 SW 8th St Maricopa, Az for $60.16, 9.32 and 4.00 . There is no SW 8th St in Maricopa. These charges were all made to my Discover card.

I noticed a withdrawal from this store that I did not make

I had $199 dollars worth of charges made to my EBT card. I don't live in Arkansas. I need my food stamps refunded so I will be filling out a police report. Shekinah H

A walmart charge for $12.95 here in mississippi is the monthly fee to use walmart online for online ordering and delivery services. You may have elected a more expensive plan for 3 years for instance and charged more. Check your account and see what plan you are on.

Had 299.51 token out my food stamps sometime yesterday went back to buy some food and it was rejecting it like wtf and i want it put back in my card I don't live in this town

A withdrawal from my EBT card for the amount of $100.78 at the address 708 SW 8th Bentonville

I had $199 dollars worth of charges made to my EBT card. I don't live in Arkansas. I need my food stamps refunded so I will be filling out a police report. Shekinah H

Someone has been using my EBT card at 702sw8th Bentonville AR. I live in Texas. What's up?

Use my ept card in Jackson ky and as soon as I did another one was taken off from Walmart there why is this happened and why can’t I get them back

I have the same pop up in my Banking acct. I use the Walmart+ app for our local delivery service. I have confirmed this is a charged from Walmart.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDWALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • CHECKCARD WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • POS Debit WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • POS PUR WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • POS PURCH WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • POS PURCHASE WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • POS REFUND WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • PRE-AUTH WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • PENDING WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • Visa Check Card WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR MC
  • Misc. Debit WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR
  • CHKCARD WALMART.CO 702 SW 8th St 800-966-6546 AR