Learn about the "Coach Usa Inc Http://W Paramus,Us " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "COACH USA INC 201 225 7580 NJ"

First seen on October 12, 2012, Last updated on September 30, 2014

What is it?

I believe this is for megabus.

I thought this was a fraudulent charge since I haven't purchased any thing from the leather good store Coach in years - but then I found this page and realized the amount charged matched my MegaBus purchase exactly. I'm going with not fraudulent.


Thought was fraudulent(i.e. Coach Leather? purse, etc.) till read this, and realized it's amount my kid charged for a Megabus trip.

The Coach USA Paramus NJ charge is definiteky from Mega and not a fradulent charge.

Megabus - city to city transportation

Can be for Megabus city sightseeing tours

For me, this was a Chicago, IL double-decker bus tour.

I have a charge for $153.50 on my debit card ending in 6713. I have called the bank and had the card closed and I am rejecting the payment. I think you may be able to stop the fraud as the purchase was on the 28th and the person likely has not either begun the trip or may be in the middle of a trip. If you would like to contact me my name is William R. Mitchell and my phone number is 847-635-6785. If the thief did buy a ticket it would be nice for you to have them board a bus and then have them arrested. I would be willing to prosecuate.

I did not make this charge of ($1.50) or anyother charges, I will be in contact with my bank when it opens tomarrow.

It is Megabus. When I first saw it I thought it was something at a Coach store also, but I just purchased a trip on Megabus and the amounts match. Definitely Megabus.

I total confused this payment when I saw the description from online banking, I was surprised and doubt when I bought things from COACH store. After I check this website, I realized that it is megabus payment. This company definitely need to change the description to Megabus, USA.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As