Chegg Inc

Learn about the "Chegg Inc " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "CHEGG *EDUCATION SVC WWW.CHEGG.COMCA"

First seen on October 4, 2012, Last updated on July 8, 2024

What is it?

I have been charge twice a month for three months by Chegg Educational Svcs. As in the other entries here, i have never heard of this company and have never made any purchases from them. Fortunately my credit card company, Chase, removes these charges for me. They have all been in the $15.00-17.00 range. Is something being done about this company?!

A charge in the amount of $19.34 appeared on my checking account on July 5, 2024. Our debit card was used that ends with 4847. Please void this transaction. We did not incur this charge.

Someone have stolen my card and has been trying to make an online purchase with it, so since I made a new card it keeps on deducting my money. Why is that happening

Someone have stolen my card and has been trying to make an online purchase with it, so since I made a new card it keeps on deducting my money. Why is that happening

I was charged $17.55, and I did not order anything from your company

Got charge from chegg, I've never ordered anything from them, will file fraud charges immediately

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As