Learn about the "Google *Funzio Inc Google.Com/C " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "GOOGLE *Funzio Inc GOOGLE.COM/CH CA"

First seen on December 2, 2013, Last updated on December 21, 2017

What is it?

I noticed charges on my acct from Google funzio. I've never even heard of this company. I never made nor authorized any charges from Google at all. I have contacted the bank and hopethey can find who or what has pprompted this to occur.

My husband had recently purchased some gems for his gam (knights & dragons) on google play for 2.99.. A few weeks later I noticed money was coming up missing. I know he didn't buy anything else other than the 2.99 purchase.. They refunded me right then & there thank goodness but it was in fact google play/funzio.. It has to do with google. We were only missing $150.00 so I caught it just in time but still.. What a mess!!

My husband has only just noticed that for the past year and a half he has been getting unauthorized charges from google funzio inc and google funzio game .. totalling to £1,047.87 (yes he should of been checking his statements and believe me he's in the dog house with me big time!) But now we want our money back... in full!! This is totally unacceptable.

Funzio Inc. is listed as the developer of cell phone games under Gree Games. You can buy "Gold" and special equipment for the game with real money that will be charged to your Phone Bill, and i think in some cases to your credit card. In one game, "Crime City" you can buy gold for 109,99€, 54,99€, 21,99€, 10,99€, 5,49€. May be some one is using your phone to build a "Crime City" empire while you are not using it, or maybe it's some other scam.

I also had a company phone me saying they are offering 5 star hotel deal in AU & NZ all you have to do is pay for your meals and you can stay AT any of there Motels on the list for a family of 4 for 5 days for $200. They had a website and produced a ABN number. I made that payment and waited for my vouchers and Hotel list it never came and I located the site on the net and rang the number it was disconnected.

I had charges taken out of my checking acct. and also on my U.S. Cellular bill. The link says google funzio. My bank and U.S. cellular are investigating these transactions from my accts without my permission. I hope they catch whom ever is doing this.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As