Learn about the "Google *Google Storage 650 253 0000 Ca" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "Google *Google Storage CA"

First seen on October 27, 2012, Last updated on August 5, 2023

What is it?

Google Google storage, Google Google Play, Pandora, Netflix, Google Youtube, Google, and Google Zynga Inc all started to try and charge my card 11.99 right when i canceled my premium subscription to Youtube. I will never pay for a premium subscription for Youtube again, Luckily i used a card that is prepay, so even though they keep trying, they will never get any money out of me. But i do have a lawyer checking into it. They have been trying to get money off my card now since April of 2021.

After talking with a branch manager at my daughter's bank, I learned that it might be a recurring charge via Google Play Store, from my daughter's Android cell phone. The manager showed me how to access the subscriptions that are active on the phone, and the culprit was found!

In this case it was a subscription to AMC+, that was subscribed to by my daughter. We pay for this already via our cable provider, and my daughter may have thought it was cool to watch a show on her phone. Probably she clicked the link, and gave her debit card number when prompted, thinking that it was connected to our cable. Of course, it was not.

But she doesn't remember doing it, and $9.48 comes out every month. I was able to cancel the subscription on her phone (with a few others!) Now we'll see if the charge recurs on August 29. Hopefully the problem is solved. Hopefully this helps others.

Monthly charge for additional Google Drive storage space

I have tried multiple times to get $16.11 off my Credit Card as there are at least one per week and I have to idea what this is for.

GOOGLE LONGZPEM ROOTH INTERNET CA made charges to my Capital One Checking account that are not authorized.

I have never ordered any additional storage space from Google or anyone else.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As